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单词 no payment 例句大全,用单词no payment造句:

There is no restriction on payment of amortization of loans or depreciation of direct investments.
The Panel recommends no compensation for the payment of salary and benefits to its Iraqi personnel.
I don't see any support from the unit. No extra payment for extra working hours, what else can we expect?
Currently there is no legislation requiring travellers to declare cash and other comparable means of payment.
No. The surcharge is not attributive to the deeds of the punishment. It happens in the process of tax payment.
滞纳金不是处罚行为, 而是征税行为。
Lawyer No. The surcharge is not attributive to the deeds of the punishment. It happens in the process of tax payment.
No external payment in foreign exchange shall be made without the necessary taxation certificates or tax exemption certificates.
We have adopted a payment system which is based on one's contributions, therefore no one can take benefit without working for it.
Payment must be in Canadian or Hong Kong dollars. No other currency will be accepted. Please note that cash and personal cheques will NOTbe accepted.
英文例句大全为您提供no payment英文例句大全,no payment英文造句,关于no payment的英语句子,单词no payment怎么造句,no payment英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于no payment,英语单词no payment的句子,单词no payment如何造句,no payment怎么造句等。

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