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单词 hold on to 例句大全,用单词hold on to造句:

I should not allow such a thought to take hold on me.
Oh, oh, hold on. I just want to address one more thing.
True masters never claim to hold on to the absolute truth.
As long as a will is set, hold on to it and habits can be altered.
Don't depend on your ability to hold against the power of a machine.
Adding baking soda to the batter help to hold the swirls on the cookies.
加入梳打粉, 有助令曲奇上的花纹更凸出。
Welcome to calling China hope electrician alloy company, Hold on please!
欢迎致电中希电工合金有限公司, 请稍候!
Have I accepted such a fate or still do I hold on to some foolish shred of light?
The government decides to hold a referendum on the abolition of capital punishment.
The aggressors must not be allowed to hold on to the territories of other countries.
I get hold of envelope before the window bright place to toward ray to shine on to see, a have no acquisition.
我把信封拿到窗前明亮处对着光线照看, 一无所获。
It was impossible Monseigneur to dispense with one of these attendants on the chocolate and hold his high place under the admiring Heavens.
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单词 hold on to 释义



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