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单词 law school 例句大全,用单词law school造句:

Ms. Davis is also the Adjunct Professor of Government at New York University Law School.
He attended Harvard as an undergraduate and earned a law degree from New York Law School.
Liu Suhua says associate professor of staff room politics and law of central Party school.
The monistic school would regard national law and international law as an integrated whole.
Ms Kagan is currently the solicitorgeneral and was previously a dean of Harvard Law School.
卡甘现任副检察长, 曾任哈佛法学院院长。
Natural law school provided necessarily theory supports for its generation and development.
The thoughts of Chicago School has deeply influenced the antitrust law of the United States.
Hobbes and Locke are the most representative figures in the school of classical natural law.
He also taught Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.
I graduated at the top of my class from Harvard Law School. I concentrated? in business law.
我从哈佛法学院毕业, 是班上的第一名。我专攻商法。
Miller participated in focus groups that worked with the law school to develop its Plan 2006.
Miller participated in focus groups that worked with the law school to develop its Plan 2008.
Democratic Management and Administering a School According to Law in Higher Vocational Colleges
Eventually, I came to Los Angeles to teach at the University of Southern California Law School.
最终,我来到了洛杉矶 在南加州法学院教书
These pragmatic narratives compelled me to study political science with an eye toward law school.
He holds a bachelors degree and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Michigan Law School.
The Actualization of Running A School Independently of High Vocational Colleges of Politics and Law
Applicants may qualify to take the New York bar examination by graduating from an approved law school.
He holds a degree in public administration and administrative law from the National School of Administration.
Weinstein talked about, says professor Robert Tuttle at George Washington University Law School. But its not.
Innovation research on the management system of colleges and universities from administering a school according to law
Director, Public Administration Teaching and Research Office, Department of politics and Law, the Central Party School
The Implementation of School Management in Accordance with the Law and Promoting the Modernization of School Administration
This dissertation tries to construct the Law World in the sky of Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the SongMing dynasties.
A Comparative Analysis of the Forces in the Controversy between the School of Feudal Ethics and the School of Law in the Late Qing Law Making
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