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单词 method search 例句大全,用单词method search造句:

Objective To search for a better method to dissolving deep vein thrombosis of lower extremities.
The Ancestor Pedigree Search of Individual Dairy Cattle Using Traversal Method on Full Binary Tree
Radon measurement technique is a radiometric geophysical method in search for deep concealed deposits.
The invention relates to a search engine for a geographical position and a constructing method thereof.
Objective To search for a new method for synthesis of 7fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl amino acid tertbutyl ester.
0bjective To search a new effective method to correct the narrow nostril of the secondary cleft lip nasal deformity.
The proposed optimization method can search the optimized parameters automatically and then reduce the computation cost.
所提方法可以自动地搜索优化参数, 减少工作量。
The Search and Analysis of The Method of Smoothing Liver and Mediating Stomach Treating Asthma Induced by Stomach Esophagus Regurgitation
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