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单词 let on for 例句大全,用单词let on for造句:

Come on.Let me heat this up for you.
Let's knock on for another half hour.
Let's knock on for another half an hour.
Hold on for second! Let me catch breath.
Let's brush up on our English for the exam.
Love stands for ever, let's be spoons on it.
Come on, Rusty. Come on, let's go for a walk.
来吧, 罗斯蒂。来吧, 让我们去散步。
Come on, its your birthday why dont you let yourself go for once.
You shall not have let this go on for so long without seeing a doctor.
Pour boiling water on the leaves and let the tea draw for three minutes.
Would you hang on for a moment and let me see if Mr. Black is available?
Even with heavy issues on the horizon, go ahead and let them slide for now.
Do not let yourself be used for this game. In the end it will backfire on you.
Let's spread the blankets on the floor; we can shake down on them for the night.
But let them bury sheet for copyright, I think this thing not quite rely on chart.
但让他们都去为版权埋单, 我认为这事儿不太靠谱。
Oh, I see. Let me guess something sexy for the new bride on her first night of marriage.
This time, the emperor personally let his soldiers, buckling on his armor for the battle.
这次皇帝御驾亲征, 挂甲上阵。
Let me continue for a moment to focus on the ambivalence attending communication by speech.
Place them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Cover and let rise for about 33 minutes.
Let me congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and extend all best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.
So, heres my summer wish for you let the budgie of happiness sit on your head. Recognize there are consequences, but live with it.
Immediately lift the ban on patriotic movements among the masses and let the people give full play to their enthusiasm for armed resistance.
On this warm occasion, I wonder whether my wishes can reach you.In the distance let me drink a toast for you with my best wishes. May happy returns of your birthday.
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