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单词 Lehman 例句大全,用单词Lehman造句:

If Lehman did not buy the bonds at home Wage Keng possession of money too.
如果不买雷曼的债券, 在家里挖个坑藏钱也不行。
Lehman's share price fell on the day of the report and fell againnext day.
It is clear that he underestimated the consequences of letting Lehman fail.
Lehman Brothers earlier this year said Asian expansion was its top priority.
今年早些时候, 雷曼兄弟表示, 拓展亚洲业务是其重中之重。
Liquidations, as with Lehman, almost always obliterate value in every direction
The American authorities decided to let Lehman fail pour encourager les autres.
Lehman was about to file for bankruptcy after the government refused to step in.
在政府拒绝进行救助之后, 雷曼兄弟即将申请破产。
The move helped Lehman look like it had less debt on its books, the examiner said.
This suggests Lehman employees are casting their net wide in planning their future.
The collateral posted by these counterparties is now tied up in the Lehman bankruptcy.
这些对手方提供的担保, 目前因雷曼破产案而被冻结。
But unlike with Lehman, the government can stand behind any counter party transaction.
但与雷曼不同的是, 政府可为任何对手交易提供担保。
Ultimately,Lehman creditors can expect to retrieve as little as 15 cents on the dollar.
But that plan apart on Sunday, all but assuring that Lehman would be forced to liquidate.
但是这个方案在周日无疾而终, 导致雷曼只能被迫停业。
David Lehman and Donald Hall are contemporary American poets and anthologists of importance.
Since Lehman Brothers went bust three months ago, almost every asset class has been hammered.
三个月前雷曼兄弟破产, 几乎所有资产都被拍卖。
It was after all more than a year before Lehman Brothers failure set off the financial crisis.
TWO years ago the collapse of Lehman Brothers heralded a frightening period for the world economy.
The speed and ferocity of the Lehman Brothers crisis brought the world to the brink of a meltdown.
Then Washington allowed Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. to collapse, further shaking Beijing's faith.
But officials decided to let Lehman Brothers, a one hundred fiftyeight year old investment bank, fail.
There was a distinct whiff of triumphalism in Beijing in the weeks after the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
Lehman has already raised the possibility of a capital injection by issuing new shares to outside investors.
Lehman also suffered as previously successful hedging strategies designed to cushion its mortgage exposure went awry.
and the permissive stance of the Securities and Exchange Commission towards American brokerdealers like Lehman Brothers.
Suddenly, we learned that Lehman Brothers, one of the pillars of American investment banking, was on the verge of bankruptcy.

单词 Lehman 释义

  • 单词释义:[姓氏]雷曼;[人名] 莱曼;[地名] [美国] 利曼  [更多..]



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