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单词 somebody 例句大全,用单词somebody造句:

I need somebody who cares and not somebody looking to make a buck.
我需要有人谁在乎, 而不是有人想制造急功近利。
The liquid ignited when somebody dropped a match in it accidentally.
She took on about it as though somebody had accused her of stealing.
她对此大吵大闹, 就好像有人说她偷了东西似的。
And they said it might have been an accident, but he killed somebody.
虽然那可能是个意外, 但他杀过人。
I think you need to talk to somebody because abandoning your children.
Pretend to be somebody in the framework of a game or playful activity.
So dont accept somebody elses construction of the way things ought to be.
Somebody is alive, but he was dead; somebody died, but he is still alive.
Five of the twelve cranial nerves become activated when you kiss somebody.
His actual words were" I don't need somebody like you"…how dare he?
Sentence somebody to death, deprive somebody of their political rights for life
判处死刑, 剥夺政治权利终身
My father says, if I take an exam this fail, accurate meeting somebody suffers hand.
我爸爸说, 我假如这次考试不及格, 准会有人挨巴掌。
Have you ever experienced similar acquaintance with somebody, someplace or some space?
Somebody called me from the hospital saying that Carl had a car accident two hours ago.
It would be very embarrassing if somebody thought I was looking for an abortion, she said.
So if somebody is going to fly, put him in a pod, springload it, and fling him across the city.
So absorbed was she in reading the touching novel that she didnt hear somebody knocking at the door.
她如此专注于这本感人的小说, 竟没有听到有人敲门。
Having said that, funny I was talking to somebody the other day who works for the Academy of American Poets.
有一天很巧, 我遇到了一个朋友, 她在美国诗人协会工作。
Facing point lock stretcher move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody.
Somebody thinks, of Zhejiang achieve congenial compose how to manyafter all, already cannot cut statistic truly.
Antigen of second liver surface why is somebody electropositive somebody be electronegative Which had been planted
乙肝表面抗原为什么有人是阳性有人是阴性啊?哪种好 呢
Parents are entitled to send their children to school without having to proselytize somebody having somebody elses religion.
If this person die, absolutely no longer somebody dare to compel to ask her the commerce of nation pedagogue, it occurred that
若是此人死了, 绝对不再有人敢逼问她国师的事, 偏偏
The Five Ridges with south the commonnest help advance somebody's career kind of cumquat, fruit is elliptic, pi Tian flesh is acerbity.
五岭以南最常见的栽培种金橘, 果椭圆形, 皮甜肉酸。
The driver fled after his car knocked somebody down. He is absolutely lawless, which really makes other people gnash their teeth in anger.

单词 somebody 释义

  • 单词释义:n.重要人物,有名气的人 ;pron.有人,某人  [更多..]



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