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单词 soda 例句大全,用单词soda造句:

At present mainly uses the union system alkaline process production calcium carbonate soda ash.
Converting waste caustic soda from VCM production into sodium hypochlorite for purging acetylene
I have also been applying baking soda and apple cider vinegar to my face two or three times a week.
Accurate Determination of Potassium and Sodium in Potash Feldspar and Soda Feldspar Reference Samples
The importance of control to time of caustic soda corrosion and anodic oxide technology is pointed out.
Blend together flour, semolina, croquant, baking powder and baking soda and sift into the liquid mixture.
将面粉, 粗麦粉, 糖果仁, 小苏打和烤粉混合筛入湿性材料里。
The accumulated soda waste by the Tianjin Soda Factory only has taken places up to several square kilometers.
Process for the digestion of ammonia in the production of soda by substituting carbide slurry for caustic lime
Influence of Salt Prunella Content in Natural Soda Minerals on Production of Caustic Soda and Countermeasures.
The caustic soda plant in Hengyang, the Hunan province acquired last September was maintained at full utilization.
而去年九月在湖南衡阳收购的烧厂, 亦一直维持全面生产。
This article introduced the soda ash technique of production flow, the main incinerator has carried on the design.
Raising the adding rate of bitter to caustic production, realizing the coalition of caustic soda and calcined soda
By adding soda ash or caustic soda to the feed stock, the surface of the pellets becomes sticky and coated with fines.
在进料中加入纯碱或烧碱, 小球的表面就变粘并为细粉覆盖。
Shake well with cracked ice all but club soda. Strain into cocktail glass. Add splash of chilled club soda. Stir gently.
Determination of ammonia in secondary brine for production of ion exchange membrane caustic soda by gas sensing electrode
Whisk together the sifted flour, baking powder and baking soda. Warm water and salt combined in another clean mixing bowl.
Research on the Utilization of Waste Liquid from Solvay Process as Resource in the Combined Circulation of Salt and Soda Ash
Shake all ingredients except club soda and strain into a highball glass over crushed ice. Fill with Club Soda. Stir and Serve.
The influence of drying condition of monohydrate sodium carbonate on the whiteness of dense soda ash is discussed in this paper.
It is insoluble in water and acid, but dissolves in caustic soda and hydrofluoric acid without separation under high temperature.
Study on Gold and Silver Recovery from the As Cu Pb Alloy Produced by Copper Dross Smelting with Soda Lead Concentrate in a Smelter
Shake all except ginger ale and soda with ice in a shaker, then pour over ice in a long cocktail glass and top with ginger ale and soda.
Be like suffer sootiness and make partial wall paper becomes yellow, criterion appropriate is wiped with fluid of attenuant caustic soda.
The Automation Control System and Software Development for Ion Exchange Membrane Caustic soda Producing Device by Naturalness Circularly Way
The reaction mechanism of preparation of borax from szaibelyite by CO2 and soda ash is studied on the basis of chemical thermodynamics and kinetics.
从化学热力学, 化学动力学角度分析碳碱法分解硼镁矿机理。

单词 soda 释义

  • 单词释义:苏打;碳酸钠;苏打水,汽水;苏打点心  [更多..]



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