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单词 snout 例句大全,用单词snout造句:

Notochord length A straight line measurement from tip of snout to tip of notochord.
Any of several small gregarious cetacean mammals having a blunt snout and many teeth.
any of several small gregarious cetacean mammals having a blunt snout and many teeth.
Its notable physical characteristic is its broad snout from which its name is derived.
olfactory pit A shallow depression on the snout from which the olfactory organ develops.
嗅觉凹洞来自嗅觉器官的发育, 是吻部上的一个浅凹洼。
A study on the occurring law and the control of snout beetle Chinese chestnut in Xiaogan.
The snout and the top of the flow behind the snout, typically were armoured with boulders.
Description It is a relatively small goby with cylindrical body and a relatively blunt snout.
形容小型鰕虎鱼, 躯干呈圆筒形, 吻部短钝。
snout short and bluntly pointed. Body elongated, tapering abruptly from the first dorsalfin base.
The child has a meal not to want hustle, let the child work as far as possible need not jussive snout.
孩子吃饭不要硬逼, 让孩子做事尽量不用命令的口吻。
Predorsal length From the base of the anterior most dorsal fin ray to the tip of the snout or upper lip.
Disk length The length from the snout tip to the posteriormost margin of the pectoral fin in Rajiformes.
Any of the long, stiff hairs that project from the snout or brow of most mammals, as the whiskers of a cat.
他认为他的新微型电视机妙极了, 因而他总是挂在嘴上。

单词 snout 释义



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