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单词 smile 例句大全,用单词smile造句:

Why don't you give a profile, a little smile like the girl in the toothpaste ad
Making an effort to smile A smile acceptance, that makes people open up to you.
笑一笑好微笑受人欢迎, 使对方向你敞开心扉。
Why don't you give a profile, a little smile like the girl in the toothpaste ad.
I sold myself for more than I thought I was worth, he added, attempting to smile
The smallest flicker of a smile played over Vice Admiral Parangosky's thin lips.
Nancy watched them take it and smile. He was deeply affected by the performance.
The drift in here me, often can remember you joyfully to accommodate happy smile!
Lens language most abundant records from all angles you knit the brows of a smile.
And not one of his achievements brought even a ghost of a smile to his tired eyes.
Cloud, lightly wave to and for, imitate the Buddha an aged first the sage's smile!
云, 淡淡地飘着, 仿佛一个年老的先哲的微笑!
When you smile at someone and they smile back, you will automatically feel better.
当你对别人微笑, 他们也会对你报以微笑, 你自然会感觉很棒。
We treat people whove broken the rules with more leniency if they smile afterwards.
如果一个违规的人在事后微笑, 我们对其更加宽容。
Whenever coming across upset things, smile, because everything will pass in the end.
Lookinging at of her smile he, looking at by far this afflict and sufferings of man.
她微笑的看着他, 看着眼前这个痛苦的男人。
In the tree affable smile, small leaves are the happiest mother leaned in beside him!
在大树和蔼的微笑下, 小树叶们开心的依偎在妈妈身旁!
He began to pity himself, but a sense of the absurdity of his thoughts made him smile.
Your happiness will derive from trouble, and your sweet smile accompanys your success.
There was a faint smile on his face, a foxy smile. She nodded her head and looked triumph.
When my heart is borne away by the flood of happiness do not smile ata my perilous abandonment.
The crowd aghast. The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile.
观众惊呆了。最厉害的剑客居然完全失准, 可他却继续微笑着。
The affable Keefe a friendly smile cherubic countenance, a checked sports jacket and gabardine slacks.
Laughter is absolutely contagious, and hopefully these people will make you smile so much your face hurts.
笑声绝对传染, 希望这些人能使你小到脸疼。
I accustom myself to the smile coagulated into the mirror just likes the moon belongs to deep autumn, enjoy myself.
Everyone will smile with corners of his mouth upward when they catch sight of her smile, which is the carrier of love.
The only time in 13 years that he came home from work without a great big smile on his face was the day a co-worker died in a tragic auto accident.

单词 smile 释义

  • 单词释义:vi.(~ at) 微笑n.微笑  [更多..]



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