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单词 smash 例句大全,用单词smash造句:

There's going to be an awful smash here one of these days if that's true.
To wipe out these two divisions would be practically to smash the campaign.
消灭此两师, 围剿就基本上打破了。
That is the real iron bastion which no force can smash, no force whatsoever.
She had seen him smash his hat and yell with fury when he had missed his aim.
Some people like to play aggressively, moving forward to smash into their foes.
First there was the whole smash the guard in the head with a folding chair thing.
Take stick at the same time, ping carries Pang, smash what that antique hits a draught.
一边拿起杖, 乒拎滂, 一下子把那古董打的粉碎。
With your own business, you can smash through that ceiling if you make the right moves.
It's one irresistibly catchy tune that, if it makes the album, will be an instant smash.
Inspired by the economic theories of Karl Marx, the Bolsheviks sought to smash capitalism.
And then they'll get stupid drunk and smash cake in each others'faces and do the Macarena.
他們還會在婚禮那天一起發酒瘋 然後用蛋糕砸對方的臉
The blockbuster is a smash hit and has grossed over a million dollars for the film investors.
The blood stained boots of European explorers smash down on the virgin soil of the new world.
Superman can fly.Spiderman can climb buildings.The Hulk can smash things into a million pieces.
超人会飞, 蜘蛛人能攀爬建筑物, 绿巨人可以把东西砸个粉碎。
If his aggro target isnt in reach of his Overhead Smash hell cast Petrifying Breath on the raid.
Also finger power is very important in all other strokes such as smash, backhand clear and so on.
同时, 手指的力量在杀球, 打反手后场高远球也很重要。
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But hes such a sweet man, and I did his charity event called Smash Hits in Newport Beach this past year.
All these feelings mixing together along with unchallenged power smash his fragile defence of consciousness.
Does patellar articulatory place smash the how undertakes systematization rehabilitation of sexual fracture trains?
They fine the local tyrants and evil gentry, they demand contributions from them, and they smash their sedanchairs.
向土豪劣绅罚款捐款, 打轿子。
Compared with his performance in the World Table Tennis Championship, the player is more skillful in backhand smash.
与世乒赛上相比, 这位选手的反手抽球技术成熟得多了。
How long will you assail with your threats, all of you, to bring someone down as you would pull a wall or smash a fence
他是我的堡垒, 我决不致摇倾。
Still but will fresh potato is mincing, add right amount feed vinegar to smash slimy record, besmear is in at scleroma.
The worlds population looks set to smash through the seven billion barrier in the next few days, according to the United Nations.

单词 smash 释义

  • 单词释义:打碎;撞击;猛击;扣球  [更多..]



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