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单词 smooth 例句大全,用单词smooth造句:

Expression and significance of alpha smooth muscle actin in the traumatic neuroma
These adjectives apply to what is not smooth but has a coarse, irregular surface.
The negotiators hoped to effect a smooth transition to an interim administration.
Important to be able to work with others on teams to coordinate smooth operations.
具协作精神, 善于团队合作。
It makes my smooth shaves stay smooth and helps minimize shaving bumps on my neck.
它使我顺利俨然逗留顺利 减少颠簸剃我的脖子上。
According to the advertisement, this new razor will give you an extra smooth shave.
据广告讲, 这种新的刮胡刀可使你修面分外光洁。
The smooth joint, dredges the channels and collaterals, the accent smooth vitality.
Effects Of Osthol on Activity of Isolated Small Intestinal Smooth Muscle form Rabbit
Then use the same screw to adjust for a smooth transition from idle to full throttle.
A single pop pin adjustment keeps the transition between exercises smooth and simple.
This kind of Bicycle has an excellent shock aBsorBer and gives you a very smooth ride.
这种自行车缓冲好, 骑起来舒服极了。
A. It adopts hydraulic drive, which can achieve smooth lifting and adjustable tension.
Stable performance, no dead point, smooth speed adjustment due to optimization design.
seventhly, affine invariable anisotropy smooth values of a vector image are determined
第七步, 确定向量图像仿射不变各向异性平滑的数值
and after rubbing the toothbrush handle to be smooth, polishing with a polishing agent.
将刷柄打磨光滑后, 用抛光剂进行抛光。
Aerobatics become easier, and its easier to slow the airplane down for a smooth landing.
This system runs in LiaoYang Pipe Mill for two years, and proved its smooth and accuracy.
The block and head cannot be machined flat and smooth enough to provide an adequate seal.
Therefore, cation silk market next week is expected to be dominated by smooth adjustment.
因此, 预计下周阳离子丝行情还将以平稳调整为主。
Blend everything in a blender with ice until smooth. Serve in a collins glass with a straw.
expression and significance of alpha smooth muscle actin in congenital muscular torticollis
My hands still soft and smooth all through the next day without any additional moisturizer.
The capsule is long and round, smooth or have wart, the afterbirth is carried and fractured.
The virulent strains had a polysaccharide capsule and formed smooth colonies on agar medium.
Cylindrical and spherical surfaces cannot be machined as accurately as a flat smooth surface.

单词 smooth 释义



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