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单词 skull 例句大全,用单词skull造句:

The anthropologist unearthed the skull of an ancient human at the site.
Repairing skull defect with autologous skull flap and bone cement inlay
Repair of Traumatic Skull Defect Treated with Self Skull External Lamina
A bullet had hit his cap badge and had penetrated the front of his skull.
We tend to view the brain like an alien that happens to reside in the skull.
But watch out the evil skull balloons otherwise you might and lose the game!
但是, 警惕邪恶的头骨气球, 否则可能会输了比赛, 失去了游戏!
Skull. The skull is well domed, showing a pronounced occipital protuberance.
I've reassigned Lt. Commander Sterling's Skull Squadron assist with the search.
The fossil skull is the only wholly preserved skull of a homo erectus in China.
Application of tissue expansion in repair of scalp avulsion with skull exposure.
He scans a complete skull of a small thylacoleo from the South Australian Museum.
The ship mans warning is cut short as he is killed by an arrow piercing his skull.
the most prominent projecting point of the occipital bone at the base of the skull
枕外隆凸点, 头盖骨上最突出的骨点
The girls were born attached at the top of the skull and faced opposite directions.
两姐妹生下来头骨就相连, 而脸则朝向相反的方向。
Ears cropped, carried erect, upper attachment on a level with the top of the skull.
剪耳, 直立, 位于头盖骨上与头盖骨平行。
Reconstruction of anterior skull base defect by pedicle frontal muscle compound flap
Microsurgical treatment of large meningiomas at anterior skull base and sphenoid ridge
Skull and Muzzle Top of skull should be flat, showing no prominence at nuchal crest.
The operation of trephination of the skull is one of the oldest in the annals of surgery.
You could also apply pressure to the back of your head, just at the base of your skull.
Skull and crossbones stickers on the drums aroused the suspicion of the customs officers.
This is an image of Ann who's had her right jaw removed and the base of her skull removed.
这是一幅安的图片 她的右下颚和头骨底部被移除了。
Have a headache commonly optional choose aspirin, skull is painful wait for aconite surely.
The length of the muzzle is approximately equal to, but never longer than that of the skull.
长度大致与脑袋相等, 但决不能比脑袋长。
The vein outside skull and homonymic and arterial companion go, but slower to sense of pain.
颅外静脉与同名动脉伴行, 但对痛觉较迟钝。

单词 skull 释义

  • 单词释义:颅骨,头盖骨;脑袋;脑子;[冶]渣壳,熔铁上的浮渣  [更多..]



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