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单词 snug 例句大全,用单词snug造句:

With the curtains a nice big fire we as snug a bug in a rug.
Make sure all the thread is pulled snug, not to tight though.
确保所有的线都是平直的, 没有缠得太紧。
I just got my shirt back from the cleaners and its kinda snug.
Easy slipon construction with elasticized straps for a snug fit.
Carefully reinstall Bonnet Cap and needle assembly, tighten snug.
小心地重新安装阀盖帽和针形装置总成, 紧固螺栓头凸部。
He showed us into a snug little sitting room with a fire burning.
Shining with snug sunlight in Winter, the old man looks very cozy.
Warmth, to be as snug as a bug in a rug, is of the first importance.
要舒服, 保暖是首要的。
Snug fitting, anatomically molded, onepiece antibacterial chamois pad.
Stabilizing and snug fitting elastic loop around the ankle and the arch
It isolates to the tune of about 14 decibels and stays snug in the ear.
If the jack should ever loosen, merely insert the tool and snug it down.
如果杰克会放松, 只是插入工具和舒适的下来。
We made ourselves as snug as our means allowed in the arch of the dresser.
With the curtains drawn and a nice big fire we were as snug a bug in a rug.
I had the end flared out so that it fit very snug inside the filer opening.
我已经爆发出来, 使之非常适合温暖的结束内备案人开放。
Stabilizing and snug fit elastic loop around the arch. Very smooth toe seams
The white leader now uses her prusik to stay on a snug belay with her team,.
My grandmother likes to read a newspaper in a snug corner near the fireplace.
A new generation silk product, soft and snug, is the Best material for fashion.
新一代真丝产品, 手感柔软, 舒适怡人, 是最佳时装材料。
Pull the two bow loops in opposite directions to snug the tie against your neck.
用手拽住蝴蝶结两端, 调整松紧和形状。
Make sure the shoes are not too tight across the arch and that your heel is snug.
确保在足弓处鞋子不要太紧, 脚后跟要紧贴鞋子。
For the clothes that fit alittle too snug, because it means I have enough to eat.
The snug professional blouses that fit my bust in the morning did not fit by noon.
I bet your feet are very snug in those sneakers they seem to have a lot of padding.
I must dry some seaweed and line this crevice.I could be as snug as a bug in a rug.

单词 snug 释义

  • 单词释义:温暖舒适的;小而整洁的;建造良好的;紧身的  [更多..]



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