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单词 so 例句大全,用单词so造句:

You are such a beautiful lady that your father must adore you so much Im so jealous
姐姐长得这么漂亮, 爸爸肯定很疼你了真是羡慕死咯
Never in his life before had he been so bitter, so cruel, so relentless in his mood.
The pine trees were so tall and grew so close together, that they shut out the light.
He was always so ready to be interested and always so happy, sanguine and lighthearted.
他总是那么体贴, 那么愉快, 那么乐观, 那么无忧无虑。
Nature abhors a vacuum, journalism even more so, and so it fills absence with windiness.
the tailors themselves, so neat, so clean, so deft, are busy with the pins and the chalk.
So, the next generation works on the generation coming up, and so on and so forth forever.
She was absent completely so much so that she often forgot whether she had her meal or not.
她非常地心不在焉, 自己有没有吃饭都不记得了。
It is platform with true head portrait so, user accredit feels closer,, so user two bigger.
Long live the armies of the heart, who so love the world, who have given so much to save her.
So you can only get so far, I think, in telling your story by using these abstract statistics.
通过看这些抽象的统计数据,我想我只能 证明这么多。
So much so many dressed in uniform, equipped with lumbar samurai sword so that surprised me.
Your chosen address is so far away from downtown, so the access for traffic is quite inconvenient.
Fuck! No one can understand me. I trust them so much , but they always let me down. so bad! so sad!
草, 没人懂我。我那么信任他们, 他们却让我如此失望
So when I was in Morocco, in Casablanca, not so long ago, I met a young unmarried mother called Faiza.
Father and Mother thanks for your cultivation and you have give me so so so much that i cannot reimburse.
Technology is so advanced these days and changing so rapidly that computers become obsolete in a few years.
And so the auction that followed, literally had people saying, Bang!so many million dollars for so and so player.
拍卖会开始后 有个人大锤一敲 呯!这个人值这些钱。
Bakelite became so visible in so many places that the company advertised it as ' the material of a thousand uses'.
That somebody with so talent, so much genius one might argue, was filled with so much doubt about his own ability.
In addition, the immunity produced so far lasts only three to six months, so frequent vaccinations would be necessary.
It is, however, presumptuous to insist that there will only be so many jobs for so many scientists, so many businessmen, so many accountants.
Maybe I wanted to be so successful and so able to take responsibility that I would do so and I would be able to take care of my attending's patients.
也许我太想 可以独当一面,可以不需要 和我的主治沟通
He also knows to think before he leaps so that he will not feel regretful afterwards. Moreover, he knows to tolerate others, so he can naturally lead a happy life.
We must surely try, but these enterprises are so competitive, so globalized, and so driven by commercial pressure, that anything that can be done will be done somewhere.
无疑我们必将尝试 以至于他们会不择手段

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