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单词 skirmish 例句大全,用单词skirmish造句:

She was a woman of forty now, with a faint skirmish line of gray hairs in her head.
她已是四十岁的女人, 灰发开始在她头上占据阵地。
Descending into one skirmish after another in a civil war that seems to have no end.
不断分解的小冲突 在内战中似乎没有尽头
There'll be just one brief skirmish and the Yankees will skedaddle back into Tennessee.
Surviving Abyssins defeated in the skirmish are usually assimilated into the victorious tribe.
Clinical Significance of Skirmish Lymph Node of Mammary Carcinoma for Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis
There will be units included in the Map Editor which will not be in the standard multiplayer skirmish mode.
An Indian TV crew captured this skirmish between a bodyguard for actor Brad Pitt and a British photographer.
The amount of ammunition used in that skirmish is not enough to explain the discrepancy shown in the inventory.
Such competition may be one reason for the public relations skirmish, but another factor is the rising cost of gasoline in America.

单词 skirmish 释义

  • 单词释义:小规模战斗;小争论;小冲突;[体]〈美〉比赛  [更多..]



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