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单词 skeleton 例句大全,用单词skeleton造句:

Aggregate Fractal Characteristic of Asphalt Mixtures with Skeleton Dense Structure
When they dug away at the stones, they fell away revealing a skeleton behind them.
挖开石头时, 他们闪在一旁, 露出他们身后的骷髅。
The child was reduced to a skeleton, ie very thin because of hunger, illness, etc.
这孩子骨瘦如 柴。
The Study on the Dissection of the Skeleton of the Pelvic Limb of the Bactrian Camel
The skeleton of a silver fox consists of skull, and bones of trunk and free members.
Precipitator skeleton is using high frequency welding welding skeleton molding once.
Life without aspiration, dream, fantasy is like mundane existence with only skeleton.
This is an attempt to put flesh on what has been a very bare skeleton plan up to now.
Application of Support Stability of Bolt Skeleton Beam on Side Slop of Broken Rock Mass
A complete comparison on skeleton of Andean condor and cinereous vulture was carried out.
and the component contains aromatic polyamide with a diphenyl sulfone skeleton structure.
以及成分, 具有二苯砜骨架结构的芳香族聚胺。
It is not the skeleton of boxes, it is the nervous system of adaptiveness and intelligence.
它不是条框的骨架,它是应性和智慧的 中枢神经系统
Gothic church architecture from the stone skeleton composed of coupons and flying buttress.
The skeleton of the lower limb is divide into the girdle and the skeleton of the free limb.
Can improve the low limbs amyotrophy, varix, keep the good states of the skeleton and joint.
能改善下肢肌肉萎缩, 静脉曲张, 保持骨胳及关节的良好状态。
In the interior, it is a skeleton vault with nimble and exposed crest lines and flying bars.
Ben looked into his grinning face. And he screamed! Then the skeleton reached out a bony hand.
Bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact.
The skeleton bears a fairly strict relationship to the mass of the muscle which is attached to it.
The condition was more and more serious, the circumstances of the dyspnea all appeared, skeleton ache.
病情越来越严重了, 呼吸困难的情况都出现了, 骨骼疼痛。
To provide greater load bearing capacity, adapt to the natural physiological curve of the human skeleton.
Optimal Design of the Stiff Skeleton at the Locking Section of the Middle Span of a Continuous Box Beam Bridge
The skeleton and musculature of the back are responsible for the support and movement of the trunk as a whole.
The skeleton coalesced into an older man with parchment skin and absolutely no flesh and sinew beneath the thin veil of life.
皮包骨头的老头子身上没一星半点的肉, 也没半点精神头。
The appendicular skeleton consists of bones of the shoulder girdle and upper extremity and bones of the pelvic girdle and lower extremity.

单词 skeleton 释义

  • 单词释义:(建筑物等的)骨架;骨骼;梗概;骨瘦如柴的人(或动物)  [更多..]



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