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单词 sia 例句大全,用单词sia造句:

Lessons from the SIA plane crash
Most people ascertained that Pi Sia had deceived his friend.
人们议论纷纷, 都说达蒙上了皮斯阿司的当。
Then Pi Sia went home to bid farewell with Mother as he wished.
于是, 皮斯阿司如愿以偿回家与母亲诀别。
The recent SIA plane crash shows us that nothing is impossible.
三年后的新航空难, 让我们证实了世事无绝对。
A preliminary study on assessment and training in Cantonese apha sia

单词 sia 释义

  • 单词释义:storage instantaneous audimeter 储存瞬间的自动播音记录器;subminiature integrated antenna 迷你照相机综合天线  [更多..]



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