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单词 shun 例句大全,用单词shun造句:

Matchfixing in many Asian leagues is so widespread that gamblers shun them.
But shun profane and vain babblings for they grow much towards ungodliness.
至于那凡俗的空谈, 务要躲避, 因为这些空谈, 多使人趋于不敬。
Thanks to disciple Shun Fa for offering the cover within such a short time.
When risks attendant upon the macrocontrol, Shun Chi also timely adjustments.
The sense of dependence came easily to me, although its usually one that I shun.
依赖感轻易袭来, 而我平常总是避免产生这种感觉。
Dwarves shun theft and subterfuge, believing them to be dishonorable and demeaning.
Shun too great a desire for knowledge, for in it there is much fretting and delusion.
In the great Shun I see the case of one whose desire at fifty year's was towards them.
五十而慕者, 予于大舜见之矣。
It provides not less than 328 parking spaces and is accessible from Cheung Shun Street.
Anxious circumstances, can be directly Qingdao Shun Feng Express, convenient and quick.
着急的情况下, 可以直接找青岛顺丰快递, 方便快捷。
Shun Tin Christian Children's and Youth Centre International Catholic Society for Girls
When Shun cultivated in Mount Li, elephants ploughed for him while birds weeded for him.
舜在厉山耕种, 大象替他耕地, 鸟代他锄草。
The Beena Marriage of Shun and the Fight for the Property Between the Yu Clan and Gui Clan
试论舜从妻居形态与虞, 妫两族财产争夺案
Only the stars kept Little Shun company when he returned home in the stall, deserted night.
Yuanqu Tongkuangyu caves of the South China Sea, the town with the good homedi shun Remains.
Afterwards, Shun didn't resent and was still humble to his father and loved his younger brother.
事后舜毫不嫉恨, 仍对父亲恭顺, 对弟弟慈爱。
The poor shun it because of its high price, and the rich dislike it because of its poor quality.
Such travelling is harder than scaling the blue sky. Shun Tin Christian Children's and Youth Centre.
It provides not less than67 and not more than100 carparking spaces. It is accessible from Lok Shun Path.
Though Confucius talked about the demise of yao, Shun and yu, he didn't advocate to carry it out actually.
A Clinical Study of Carcinoma of Large Intestine of DampHeat Accumulation Type Treated with Chang Da Shun Enema
The dance was to praise the achievements of Emperor Shun in carrying on and developing the heritage of Emperor Yao.
Thus, the decisionshen ting assembling a crowd to shun confrontation, initiated the establishment of Missionkang shui.
Later, a prison guard named Kui Shun smuggled his body out of the execution ground and had it buried at the foot of North Hill.
狱卒隗顺将其尸体背出, 葬于北山。
Rivers and seas don't shun trickles, so they can become deep; Mountain Tai doesn't choose soils, so it can form grandness. (Detail decides success or failure.)

单词 shun 释义

  • 单词释义:避开,回避;避免  [更多..]



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