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单词 sincerity 例句大全,用单词sincerity造句:

A man without sincerity deserves no belief and help from others.
人无诚信, 茕茕孑立, 谁敢信任?谁肯帮助?
Preventing Accounting Faking and Calling for Accounting Sincerity
His words of sincerity and affection have at last drawn the badger.
Musicians admired his intelligence, uncommon generosity and sincerity.
Sincerity was a very important category in Xianqin Confucion aesthetic.
The highest form of affection is based on full sincerity on both sides.
He laid both his hands on his chest as if to demonstrate his sincerity.
His ability to touch people can be summed up in a single word sincerity.
His sincerity was evident in every word, but Tony refused him with anger.
I cheerful personality, treat people with sincerity, unity and fraternity.
Being of one mind and absolute sincerity, striving for the superexcellence!
同心协力, 精诚至一, 追求卓越!
Amethyst can be used as a symbol of sincerity, security, and peace of mind.
紫水晶可以作为象徵的诚意, 安全与和平的精神。
The sincerity of a friendship is tested by some dangers, as gold is by fire.
友谊忠诚不怕危险, 十足真金不怕火炼。
Sincerity in treating people and perseverance in pursuing his career are Mr.
Civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof.
Faith only and inward sincerity are the things that procure acceptance with God.
Dares to come a sincerity relative love sports event with me, bullfight to want.
I chose to use my sincerity to touch you, just don't know if I can let you mind.
我选择了用我的真心去感动你, 只是不知道能不能让你动心。
Let me flaunt the banner of absolute sincerity, to capture your heart, I love you!
She doubted the sincerity of this assurance no more than he had doubted it himself.
她跟他一样, 也怀疑这一保证的诚意。
A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.
一点点真诚是危险的, 很多真诚则绝对是致命的。
This world because of sincerity but amiability, because of having a love just complete.
这个世界因真诚而可爱, 因为有爱才完整。
There is sincerity between you and me, and him, and her, and between each piece of work.
The state shall do its utmost with maximum sincerity to achieve a peaceful reunification.
However, in the eyes of isomerism, it is the sincerity of cancer that attracts them most.

单词 sincerity 释义

  • 单词释义:真挚,诚心诚意,诚意;笃实;襟怀坦白;愫  [更多..]



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