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单词 shoemaker 例句大全,用单词shoemaker造句:

The shoemaker wanted to thank elves. He made some little clothes to them.
The shoemaker does not attempt to make his own clothes, hut employs a tailor.
鞋匠不会自家缝衣服穿, 而是请裁缝代劳。
That night , the shoemaker put the leather on the table. Then they went to bed.
在晚上, 制鞋工人把皮革放在桌子上。然后他们上床睡觉。
The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he stands,.
The son of a Canterbury shoemaker, he earned a degree from Cambridge University.
他是坎特伯里一鞋匠的儿子, 曾在剑桥大学取得学位。
The shoemaker carefully examined the leather before starting to cut out the uppers.
They plan to the academic, teaching and research has even more to become a shoemaker.
他们计划学术, 更是把教研者当鞋匠。
Further along, the shoemaker learned that the kings daughter was in the castle of a witch.
在下文, 鞋匠得知国王的女儿在城堡的女巫。
and the shoemaker said that they had been made for a counts daughter, but that they had not fitted her.
鞋匠说这是给一个伯爵的女儿做的, 但是她不合脚。
The man who sent him the beetle was a young shoemaker and amateur naturalist named Walter Drawbridge Crick.
这名鞋匠后来结了婚, 育有一子哈利。
And Gucci is seeking to bestow its panache on shoemaker Sergio Rossi and the fallen couture house of Yves Saint Laurent, in a series of deals valued at more than $1 billion.

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