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单词 shocking 例句大全,用单词shocking造句:

TV cameras followed her, giving her viewers a look at the shocking destruction.
Did you see the shocking lines collected in dwelling narrowness by some netizens?
Calculating methods of impulsive force of collapse building shocking surficial soil
Some may be misled by the shocking adverse effects greatly exaggerated by the media.
For instance, the emergence of privately hired labour was quite shocking a while back.
前些时候那个雇工问题, 相当震动呀
This sound is shocking our heart, but in the aftertaste this first heart loves slowly song.
这歌声震撼着我们得心, 而慢慢地回味这首心中爱得歌。
And when he does the comedy stint, he can be very shocking and throw everyone off their feet.
The statistic is shocking cases have increased by more than one million over the last decade.
Of all the shocking things we saw that day, perhaps the most shocking was a Samsung Captivate.
画面很美, 只不过没有其他游戏那么让人着迷罢了。
We have a few people now who act like overlords, and some of their behaviour is truly shocking.
The false and distorted accounting information in accounting practice is shocking to the public.
在会计工作中, 虚假及歪曲的会计信息让社会公众触目惊心。
It was a shocking conclusion and I realised that the world needed to be informed of my findings.
这个结论非常惊人, 我认为世人有必要对此有所了解。
It was proved that bulldozer can greatly lessen the vibration and shocking from rough terrain t.
If the observation of the Australian dollar against the yen cross, will find even more shocking.
如果观察澳元兑日元的交叉盘, 则会发现情况更为惊心。
The collection of bee venom by electric shocking is not beneficial to honeybee population and production.
Bad Moon warriors wear strikingly patterned clothing and shocking war paint designed to terrify the enemy.
Shocking pictures of slaughtered lemurs killed for bush meat have been released by Conservation International.
Effects of Collection of Venom by Electric Shocking on Honeybee Population, Production of Royal Jelly and Honey
Lipstick colour should be in the hue of red.Dark brown, skin colours, pastel colours and shocking pink should be avoided.
请使用正统红色的唇膏, 勿着深咖啡色, 浅肤色或荧光粉色。
It is indeed shocking that,even after such a devastating defeat,the KMT is still trying to gloss over its vices and explain away its failure.

单词 shocking 释义

  • 单词释义:令人震惊的,可怕的;触目惊心的;〈口〉非常粗陋的  [更多..]



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