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单词 shiny 例句大全,用单词shiny造句:

Charles reached into the knitting basket and took the three shiny discs.
Nocturnal burrowing snake of western United States with shiny tan scales.
北美洲西部夜间活动的穴居蛇, 身上长有发亮的茶色磷片。
So we got brand new ones, shiny ones, medium ones, and very old, dark ones.
有的崭新发亮 半旧的,和非常旧的,发黑的
Smooth and shiny after using the back teeth, bad breath lasting refreshing.
Expect heightened reactions to mirrors, shiny objects, and small appliances.
Something is still missing tho. A belt, cuff links and a shiny pair of shoes.
Brush the top with some milk so that it will have a shiny surface when baked.
在面包上面刷些牛奶, 这样面包在烘焙时就会有一个发光面。
Until the time of shiny red glow of the sea, Look at our ships have to anchor.
待到朝霞映红了海面, 看我们的战舰又要起锚。
It blackens hair and is also a gentle cleanser, makes the hair soft and shiny.
A mastered atom is as good as a shiny new hammer hanging from a workman's belt.
When polished brass becomes very shiny to the point that it shows a reflection.
Her long balk hair was as shiny as the black silk of the skirts she was selling.
Nubuck leather upper with a shiny finish in a classic and timeless moccasin design.
Two very light blue to green onions with some of the long, thick, shiny appropriate.
Soak nails in lemon juice to nix stains, then use a nail buffer to make tips shiny.
I would never forget the amazing sea view with lovely blue sky and shiny golden beach.
A thick sticky liquid used for giving stiffness and shiny surface to paper, cloth etc.
She had severe eyebrows, an erect bearing, and shiny black hair combed into a ponytail.
Full of holes, texture, pattern and all shiny and bright with great reflective surfaces.
各种孔洞, 纹理, 图案和光滑的反光面。
They built diners out of shiny stainless steel, and made brightly colored signs lit by neon gas.
餐车的材质采用有光泽的不锈钢, 用氖气点亮彩色的招牌。
The tile treated with L. O. C. Plus Kitchen Cleaner shows a clear, shiny surface with no streaking!
经灵验厨房清洁剂抹过的瓷砖面清洁明亮, 不留半点痕迹。
I let go of her hand and she reached out to touch a pair of shiny black shoes with a strap and silver buckle.
我松开她的手, 她伸手去够一双银搭扣的光面黑鞋。
An organic sculpture, covered with a shiny silver color, will be designed as a natural cave in the middle of the shop.
In the age of airplane travel, people saw the future as this bright, shiny thing. This was the Bauhaus or Modernist style.
Some worry that the production could spark a fire at the 15th century temple, whose pillars are made of eaglewood and whose floor is paved with shiny, gold-colored bricks.

单词 shiny 释义

  • 单词释义:发光的,光亮的;闪耀的;磨亮的;磨损的  [更多..]



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