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单词 shining 例句大全,用单词shining造句:

The aurora could be seen from the mountains shining with different colors.
群山上空, 闪耀着五彩极光。
The basic experiment consisted of shining a beam of sunlight on the prism.
Was shining armor with the Prince Charming to rescue the dream of every girl.
The basement lights were shining up through the glass blocks on the pavements.
The papillary light reflex is elicited by shining a beam of light into an eye.
Simplified the materials required for Shining Spellthread and Azure Spellthread.
I was absolutely delighted with the brilliant sunshine shining through the window.
Currently, it has become a tourist attraction in northern China in a shining pearl.
Topless lady demons, gaping vaginas on the walls, and shining erect pillars for Andy.
The rain had stopped, and the sun was shining through the red and gold autumn leaves.
The lamp overhead gave out a pallid glow, shining dimly on my face, still half asleep.
I looked up at the sky. Ah, there was the crescent moon shining through my tears again.
Life, with an ambition, as if I was in the shining sunshine of the morning all the time.
有了目标的生活, 仿佛时刻沐浴在初晨的温暖日光之下。
Being an instrument of the armies on high, shining gloriously in the Armament of heaven.
A wind had cleared the mist, the autumn leaves were rustling and the stars were shining.
雾气已经被风吹散了, 秋天的树叶子在沙沙作响, 星儿在照耀。
Ricardo Carvalho. A shining light in the midst of an awful lot of mediocrity on both sides.
Lo and behold, he came to a shining Silver Palace, with eight Apsara goddesses living there.
The laddie smiled shyly again, a healthful, ruddy glow shining off the back of his bare neck.
Predacious shining black or metallic terrestrial beetle that destroys many injurious insects.
This shining water that moves in streams and rivers is not just water but the blood of our ancestors.
Dongri machinery provides accurately machined and Machine casting, is a shining pearl over the Bohai Bay.
东日机械致力于精密机加工, 铸造加工行业, 璀璨于渤海之湾。
The afterglow is shining magnificently in the sky and the Chang'an City has already vanished from my eyes.
Shining on the bank, rippling the water, How naughty, you even fondle the boat.What a character, you fondle the boat
注这首诗很俏皮, 把它拟人化了, 就容易动笔。
They agreed that his landscapes had interesting qualities, such as his ability to ' bring the sun shining into his pictures'.
Dance inspires him ceaselessly to strive higher and higher toward the shining pinnacle of perfection that is the goal of every artiste.

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