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单词 shin 例句大全,用单词shin造句:

Riddled with complexities, Shin promises to be a fascinating villainess.
The way Jack Shin sees it, hes selling the Los Angeles cheapest vacation.
在申杰克看来, 他卖的是洛杉矶最便宜的假期。
Interlock the fingers and clasp the hands on the shin just below the knees.
Refrigerate Apple Sells well with Emergence and Prevention of the tiger Shin
Shin I have dealt with the murk shield barrier twice. Let me try to break it!
S. and Shin constantly break into the charts with their original compositions.
Shin-soo Choo is expected to be back from injury soon. Can’t wait to see him play!
Interlock the fingers of both hands and place it just below the shin of the right knee.
The tibialis anterior of the back leg dorsiflexes the ankle, drawing it towards the shin.
The power of the brain is much better than the power of the fist or the kick of the shin.
Ingredient One or two Bird s nests, about 37.8 gram of Pork Shin, two pieces of Slice Ginger.
用料燕窝一至二盏, 猪或梅肉二两, 生姜二片。
Protective clothing Shin guards for association football players Requirements and test methods.
Ko Shin, a very goo old friend. She says she will ask me for shopping when she having holidays.
Reduce swelling. Elevate the affected shin above the level of your heart, especially at night.
At present in Beijing understand Shin Juang Shin Juang understanding of the people are numerous.
When not working as a pastry chef, Shin teams up with her sister to introduce bulgogi to Arsenal fans.
Written by Kim Youngsun, directed by Shin Jaehoon, it is a musical comedy based on the traditional Yard play.
该剧讲述了母亲, 儿子与媳妇之间的矛盾冲突。
Only JJH Shin has the skills to feed kiss tease argue show his care in his own princely ways to YEH Chaegyung.
It is preferable that the axial length of the foot portion is greater than the axial length of the shin portion.
优选的, 足部的轴向长度大于胫部的轴向长度。
The foot portion includes an inner foot portion extending axially from connection of the foot portion with the shin portion.
He explained that there were still pieces of shrapnel from a homemade bomb lodged in his knee and shin, waiting to be removed.
Their clinical pictures were similar and characterized by fever, shin infection, followed then by abdominal distension and ascites.
临床检验所见, 都有贫血与白血球增多, 前者尚有血小板减少。
Analysis of cause of failure in treatment of soft tissues defect in shin with contrarow fibular artery islandshape musculocutaneous flap

单词 shin 释义

  • 单词释义:胫,胫骨;小腿肉  [更多..]



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