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单词 shift 例句大全,用单词shift造句:

You have an operations group with their shift technical advisors, safety technical advisors.
Accumulation and Shift of Phenols in Atmosphere of Ecosystem of Castor Silkworm Attacus Ricini
Achievement of Single iron Core Rectifier Transformer with Load Ratio Adjustment and Phase Shift
Parts of upper transverse arm shaft, front torsion bar cannula seat, shift plate, shift lever etc.
The aestheticization of everyday life is just the approach and performance of the shift of the art.
A shift also took place from the emphasis on the promotion of human rights to their actual protection.
Yet the shift to automated warfare may offer only a fleeting strategic advantage to the United States.
A more accurate phase shift formula for electrooptic and gyrotropic crystals is presented in the paper.
Working knowledge of computerized accounting system, it will prefer if experienced in Fourth Shift system.
Comparison Between Regular Shift system and Semester Shift System Under the Condition of Quality Education
In the event of a fire alarm, the Executive Housekeeper and all shift leaders must be informed immediately.
With that shift, she subtly modeled both the risk inherent in an adventure activity and its potential value.
After whole lines have been read out with the parallel shift arrays, the charges reach a serial shift array.
If the electropneumatic shift valve is not activated, the variable intake manifold remains in power position.
如果没有激活电动气动换档阀, 则可变进气管处于功率位置。
There are150 men on the day shift. the day receptionist will be relieved at21.00 when the night shift come on.
The practice and experience of flexible nurse shift system in the Pharmacy Intravenous Admixture Service Center
Snake print leather obi belts wrap around smart dresses and ostrich feathers adorn the sleeves of a shift dress.
This newtype product is a lind of stretcher suitable for the skyscraper and give first aid, shift the sicd and wounded.
该新型产品是一种适合高层建筑救护, 转移伤病员的担架。
The President is strongly opposed to anyone within or without the administration attempting to shift the responsibility.
If she cannot make it to her shift shes fined with 448nis, which is more than double the money she earns for that shift.
Be engaged in the person that day shift works, basically accord with law of section of day and night, general insusceptible.
a shift from quantity to quality in educational demand, and a shift from single unitary contradiction to multicontradictions.
Our world has stretched its borders and every person wanting to take advantage of that shift needs to know how to speak English.
The relation between the hongdumen school of classical philology and the shift of literature academicism of the later han dynasty.
It is anticipated that this shift shall be accomplished by 2012, and that after this time electrical pulsations shall begin to rapidly dwindle.
预期该转变将于2012年完成, 此后, 电流的振动将开始迅速弱化。

单词 shift 释义

  • 单词释义:转移;变换;改变(观点);推卸;去除;销售;换(档)  [更多..]



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