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单词 shield 例句大全,用单词shield造句:

Added a new recipe for shield reinforcements that increases the block value of shields.
Armed with a club and a shield these mercenaries help fill in gaps in your battle line.
Enchant Shield Shield Block Permanently enchant a shield to give 13 Shield Block Rating.
Applicable to the wasted electric cables and wires with shield of plastic or plumb sheet.
A soldier dons helmet and armour, takes up spear and shield, and rushes gladly into battle.
Shield the magnetic field with an appropriate material for the frequency and field strength.
He tried to shield himself from his own mental accusation, which told him that she was right.
他想逃避自己内心的谴责, 他内心清楚她是对的。
But in fact, shield Ye Guijiu generally is takes the anticancer treatment medicine the origin.
但实际上, 盾叶鬼臼一般是作为抗癌药物的来源。
An apparatus includes a power supply having an energy transfer element and a shield impedance.
Inner force analysis of arch shed structure reinforced by freezing whose shield is unkenneling
Aztec warrior armoured with padded armour, a chimalli shield and armed with a maquahuitl club.
adversity and discouragement will beat against my new shield and become as the softest of rains
The angel of the Eastern Gate put his wings over his head to shield himself from the first drops.
He developed a tremendous sense of humour to help him cope and to shield his anger from the world.
These troops are armed with a short spear and shield and are known for their determination in battle.
XLPE insulated with wrapped copper tape shield PE sheathed pilot cable with wrapped copper tape shield
The cloth against cutting serves as the inner lining of the bag surface to form a shield against cutting.
防割布作为包面层的内衬, 形成一道防割屏障。
These troops are armed with a large shield to hide behind during the slow process of reloading the crossbow.
Tax Shield The reduction in income taxes that results from taking an allowable deduction from taxable income.
The children of Judah that bare shield and spear were six thousand and eight hundred, ready armed to the war.
These troops are armed with a large shield to protect them during the slow process of reloading their crossbow.
You really think, you really think it's appropriate that you should actually take children and use them as a shield?
你真的认为, 你真的认为, 拿小孩当挡箭牌, 合适吗?
One woman, whom an American official said had been used as a human shield by one of the Qaeda operatives, was also killed.
Twisted pair high temperature resistant computer cable with individual pair shield and overall shield of copper wire braid.
A character must tap a psionic tattoo, swing a sword, interpose a shield to deflect a blow in combat, wear a mask, or don a psychoactive skin.

单词 shield 释义

  • 单词释义:盾;护罩;盾形奖牌;保护人  [更多..]



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