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单词 shortening 例句大全,用单词shortening造句:

Conclusion Shortening of telomere may be one of pathomechanism of spleen Qi deficiency syndrome.
Study of Improvement on Physical Properties ofSingle Superphosphate and Shortening of Curing Period
The shortening dough can be rolled into formation through the mold printing roller of this machine.
Adaptive shortening of soft tissue structures of the lumbar spine limits the normal range of motion.
Should try to avoid acidbase media used interchangeably in order to avoid shortening life expectancy.
应尽量避免酸碱介质交替使用, 以免缩短寿命。
Shortening of the humerus, through impaction of a comminuted surgical neck fracture, may be desirable.
通过粉碎外科颈骨折得嵌插短缩肱骨, 可能是有希望得。
The defect was completely eliminated by changing lap jointing type and shortening iron flowing distance.
改变搭接方式, 缩短铁液流程, 完全消除了气孔。
The main difficulties in revision were soft tissue contracture and limb discrepancy from limb shortening.
Effects of Shortening Lactation Period and Early Supplementary Feeding on Body Weight Gain of Jinnan Calves
Shortening the gate and cathode is the distance between transverse resistivity decreases the effective method.
It has obtained the economic result of technology of economizing the cost, shortening time limit for a project.
The Effects of Pile Turning and Crushing on Municipal Solid Waste Compost Maturity After Shortening Composting Periods
The combination of these positive effects was muth greater than that of the negative effect of shortening of florescence.
Suspension culture was adopted in theproduction of coriolus versicolor, shortening the production period from cultivation.
Treatment of Tibial Bone Defect and Bone Nonunion with Limb Shortening using External Fixator and Reconstituted Bone Xenograft
The clinical analysis of inferior oblique breaking and inferior rectus shortening operation for the treatment of exohypertropia
This had the affect of shortening the slave race lifespan along with the diseases and ailments that had already become prevalent.
这缩短了奴隶族的寿命, 并产生了各种已经很盛行的病患。
Through shortening your stride and eliminating overextending, you should be able to keep your feet directly underneath you at all times.
RESULTSThe therapeutic effects on decreasing serum amylase level and shortening clinical therapeutic course were better in UTI group than those in.

单词 shortening 释义

  • 单词释义:缩针,简写;酥油/雪白奶油  [更多..]



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