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单词 short 例句大全,用单词short造句:

A combination of long and short stitches with the short stitch visible on the right side.
这是一组长短针迹组合的针法, 短针迹在面料的正面看得见。
But internal fund companies short of such ability because of the short developing history.
而国内的基金公司由于成立时间较短, 研究力量普遍较弱。
Macron Short line over a vowel or syllable to indicate that the accent is long.See Accents.
The basin on potted fig early spring, seedling remains short main force only, have short section.
Difficulties in joining the short leg in endovascular graft exclusion of abdominal aortic aneurysm
I give it to love to eat, it will be the bones of a piece of a piece, a short for a short to chew.
The short report on Academic Symposium of mineral resources evaluation of uranium and gold in China
A short nail with a sharp point and a large head. Her hair was short and of a middling brown colour.
Just as its a good thing to keep program definitions short and to the point, tables should be short.
与保持程序定义简明扼要相同, 表也应该保持简短。
Special reprint of Short Cuts, the Vintage Books companion collection of Raymond Carver short stories
影片的特别再版, 雷蒙德。卡弗的短篇集锦
He registered for the short English course in the idea that English could be learned in a short time.
A short climb pole dancing move refers to jumping up only a short distance before sitting on the pole.
Should continue l 0 ng expected,by cutting short expected to reduce short head,reducing wear and tear.
this will slow absorption of carbohydrate and leave you short of energy in the late stages of the race.
England is rather short of arable land, so it is absolutely dependent upon other countries for her food.
Other award categories include animated short subject, documentary feature, and documentary short feature.
In a short while travel extensively in the bottom of sea world, in a short while again in the space hover.
一会儿在海底世界漫游, 一会儿又在太空中翱翔。
The Narrative Mode and Focalization in Hemingway's Short Story On The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber
Wide application of mobile Short message and aggregative short message in government affairs and enterprises
This monster has but half a nose, and it itches most abominably. The chains are too short for me to scratch it.
Energetic and studious be able to travel frequently with short notice and work overseas with short term assignment.
为人乐观, 自学能力强, 能适应频繁出差及海外工作
Academic and scholastic ability is different from the abilities of learning ability and knowledge that the short title.
Fairly short. Slight sloping from withers to rump with gentle short slope at rump to base of tail. Loins slightly tucked.
Such a short period of his stay in Sichuan saw fruitful academic results, and his lectures brought about very great effects.
And short interest, shares held by short sellers in expectation of a decline, rose to 5. 7 million shares at the end of April from 4 million shares two months earlier.

单词 short 释义

  • 单词释义:短的,短暂的;矮的;短缺的;短期的  [更多..]



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