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单词 site 例句大全,用单词site造句:

The ablation target site was the isthmus between tricuspid valve annulus and inferior vana cava.
Completion of each gravel compaction pile shall be checked and accepted by the Engineer at site.
Party A has the right to traverse the construction site from above, beneath, or inside the site.
The correlation of the peak acceleration for both earthquake hazards and site intensity was analyzed.
This web site provides abundant information about the cause, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
The material included on Developers Web Site shall include a hypertext link to the Customers Web Site.
If finger is chosen as monitoring site, su ort lower arm. I truct client to keep se or probe site still.
如选择手指为测量部位, 请支撑小臂。嘱咐病人稳定探测部位。
The Peking Man Site represents the most comprehensively and systematically studied site of Homo erectus.
Users of this site agree to be bound by the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and Regulations.
Your continued use of this Site will be deemed to be Your conclusive acceptance of the modified Agreement.
The compressorsfeature a rugged skid designed for the rigors of transporting acompressor from site to site.
After the Incan civilization collapsed, the site was abandoned and the rainforest overgrew it for 400 years.
The first sluice way of dumping site in our country have been built and water flow of dumping site controlled.
Workers on the construction site should be familiar with the emergency response procedure and site facilities.
There are some necessary relationships between traditional geomantic site selection and ecological site design.
The same subtypes are also especially abundant in the tongue, another site where acupuncture needles are placed.
The midwives transmitting station accepted the limit of the launch site, has considered to us the duplex network.
中波发射台受发射场地的限制, 已考虑使用双工网络。
Opening the site for public visits so as to make archaeology and historic site maintenance an open process for all.
Site quality evaluation and site type division of Pinus thunbergll protechion forest on sandy coast of Shandong province
Coda Automotive Coda Automotive is a contentheavy site, which means balance and organization is essential to site usability.
这个网站内容很多, 因此平衡性和组织性是至关重要的。
The site of the anterior superior iliac spine osteotomy is repaired with non absorbable suture through drillholes in the ilium.
The site of Kunming Pond in Ganquan during the Han Dynasty is somewhere in Xiaochi Village to the south of the site of Palace Ganquan.
Font on this site The content on this site is excellent. However, the site could be read better with the application of a bigger font.
and that emphasize introduce its cultural relic and historic site and reveal the research meaning of the cultural relic and historic site.
An outofthebox site optimized for report access and management, including a report library, data connection library, and a dashboard template.

单词 site 释义

  • 单词释义:地点;建筑工地;网站  [更多..]



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