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单词 simmer 例句大全,用单词simmer造句:

Pour in cream, add in chopped parsley, peas and red bell pepper, simmer for1 minute.
Keep the stew on the simmer for another 20 minutes because the meat is rather tough.
Add in the cream and simmer for another8 minutes or so until the sauce has thickened.
Bring tangerine peel sauce to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes until well flavoured.
陈皮卤水汁材料放煲内煮滚, 改用中慢火熬15分钟至陈皮出味。
To leave Now , Frank, try to simmer down. We cant tell him to clear out just like that.
现在, 弗兰克开始冷静下来, 我们不就这样让他离开。
Add tomatoes and simmer for 10 more minutes. Sprinkle over sweet basil leaves and serve.
Add the kale to the simmering soup, and continue to simmer for another 15 to 20 minutes.
Turn the heat down and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes remove leeks and drain on paper towels.
Let the broth simmer down to a rich stock. Pork chops should be condensed into thick soup.
Bring to the boil and simmer for about 48 minutes. Thicken the sauce over high heat. Serve.
If they are still super chewy , cover the pot again and simmer for up to another 45 minutes.
如果嚼起来还是不太软嫩, 就再盖上锅盖煮45分钟。
Will be attached to simmer ginger cooked dog meat can be burned Wenshen impotence, Quhan pain.
将附在煨熟狗肉, 生姜, 可燃烧温肾壮阳, 祛寒疼痛。
Bring the mixture to a boil, cover, then reduce the heat to maintain a simmer. Cook for 2 hours.
Simmer, stirring frequently, until tomatoes have broken down into a chunky sauce, about25 minutes.
The very first thing is to disengage and allow some time for both of you to simmer down and reflect.
Bring to the boil, partly cover again and simmer for about35 minutes until the vegetables are tender.
Once the water has come to a boil, simmer for about 28 minutes covered, then leave to cool completely.
Simmer until the liquid is reduced by onefifth. Remove the licorice and eucalyptus leaves and discard.
Lower the mushrooms, bamboo shoot, carrot and gluten into the sauce and simmer until wellflavoured.
As soon as it begins to boil, turn down the heat, and simmer for thirty minutes. Then turn off the heat.
You should be able to perform fast heatswitches from the bare simmer to the rolling boil on your burners.
Bring the water to the boil, put the rice in, and allow the pan to simmer until all water has evaporated.
将水煮沸后下米, 然后用文火焖干。
Pour the dried currants in a sauce pan. Add some water and boil. Then simmer over low heat for 10minutes.
把葡萄干放入锅里, 加一点水, 煮开后用小火焖10分钟。
Bring braising ingredients to the boil, lower mushrooms, fish maw and baby sweet corn, and simmer for 15 minutes. Drain.
将冬菇, 鱼肚及珍珠笋放煨料内煨纫15分钟至入味, 隔水。
As the government cracks down, what dangers does it face as anger continues to simmer on both sides, especially from Uighur separatists

单词 simmer 释义

  • 单词释义:炖的状态或过程;即将沸腾的状态;勉强忍住的笑  [更多..]



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