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单词 shotgun 例句大全,用单词shotgun造句:

Win the Survival mode in the Single Player Campaign playing jigsaw and using only a shotgun.
The shotgun blast echoed across the field. A cluster of black birds scattered toward the sky.
枪声回荡在牧场上, 一群乌鸦散开着飞向天空。
The following year Mr Martin, who slept with an illegal pumpaction shotgun, was convicted of murder.
Lucy dropped the microphone something was happening downtairs. She picked up a shotgun and ran down.
楼下一定发生了意外, 露西扔下话筒, 抓起一杆枪向楼下跑去。
A similar piece of ammunition, such as a shotgun shell. The catridge is ejected from the gun automatically.

单词 shotgun 释义

  • 单词释义:n.散弹猎枪,鸟枪  [更多..]



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