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单词 shriek 例句大全,用单词shriek造句:

Lydia and Kitty shriek with excitement and jump up and down.
Instead of an answering cry I heard shriek from the natives.
我听见的不是欢呼, 而是众人的尖声惊叫。
The womans eyes flew open, and she gave a startled shriek.
We heard a weird shriek from the darkness of the ruined castle.
She threw up her arms and with a shriek fell backward insensible.
她甩开双臂, 大叫一声, 向后倒地昏迷了过去。
Just when I think I can let him see, I shriek and duck for cover.
就在我认为我能向他敞开时, 我却退缩了。
My skin crawled when I heard a sudden shriek in the dead of night.
夜晚万籁俱寂时突然听到一声尖叫, 吓得我汗毛直竖。
The evil spirIt'shook the man violently and came out of him a shriek.
The bell here rang for the third time, with another shriek of anguish.
这时铃声第三次响起来, 听起来焦急万分。
The beast can release a bizarre hydrosonic shriek that stuns its prey.
这种猛兽能发出一种奇怪得水声波尖叫, 震晕猎物。
Suddenly, a shriek reed, from the depths of the reed destroyed NingMi.
The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek.
污鬼叫那人抽了一阵风, 大声喊叫, 就出来了。
I once walked and saw the shriek suggesting and distorting a body to walk.
我走过, 看了一下来电显示, 扭身就走。
Yell louder, wench, shriek, wail, but it will not dull the voice of truth.
the trunk produced a bitter shriek that made Eragon want to claw at his ears.
Mr. Bunny emitted a shriek, tore the letter up, and thought about retirement.
Almost at the same moment a piercing female cry arose in the air in a prolonged shriek.
With a shriek of victory, Jim swung out over the water and up, to the very top of the arc.
在胜利者的欢呼声中, 吉姆在水面上荡到了最高点。
I shriek left visit to living, every once impair the person of Di dust, I was a cant pass.
Of the man bold, piece carry, halfback more shriek letting a person and excited unceasingly.
Tired of waking up to the shriek of a buzzer or the irritating voice of the talk radio host.
Tired of waking up to the shriek of a buzzer or the irritating voice of the talk radio host?
With a shriek birds flee across the black sky, people are silent, my blood aches from waiting.
He still smokes intense cigarette, ride motor, it is her what busy back did not have a shriek to wear only.
他依然抽烈烟, 骑摩托, 只是繁忙的身后没有了尖叫着的她。
The madame of the white ah white madam, white old dad ah white old dad, you shriek everybody say you what good

单词 shriek 释义

  • 单词释义:尖叫;引人注意;发出一种类似尖叫的声音  [更多..]



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