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单词 shrink 例句大全,用单词shrink造句:

Touch on replacement of shrink fit in tolerance system by inorganic bonding
Let us not shrink from a hard lesson or wince under any rod of chastisement.
Ternary shares shrink film package of assets, the costs also greatly reduced.
The analyst says, because ad budget is massive shrink, yahoo has suffered blow.
有分析师称, 由于广告预算大规模缩水, 雅虎已经遭受打击。
She was treated for several months with chemotherapy drugs to shrink the tumor.
The face of rape, not shrink Vinci, he continued to prepare the complaint, Tom.
When the bandwidth of signal is narrow, it can shrink itself to depict the signal.
Double safety sealed, with outer shrink wrap film and inner bottle freshness seal.
双安全密封, 收缩包装膜外及内瓶新鲜印章。
Tumors shrink in one in four patients with advanced melanoma who get this treatment.
America, when we have a challenge, we take it head on, we don't shrink away from it.
美国,当我们遭遇挑战 我们勇敢面对,从不退缩
Shine diamond decoration and shrink hemline perfectly show female's figure and charm.
胸前亮钻装饰, 收缩底边, 尽显女人得身资和丰韵。
Double safety sealed with an outer shrink wrap film and an inner bottle freshness seal.
双重安全密封, 瓶盖收缩包装膜和内瓶新鲜封纸。
As the tabloid have hit on hard times, the cheque of chequebook journalism have shrink.
Confirmed the relationship between the shrink range and the assembly pretightening force.
The lid is an aluminiumcovered cork bung, overcovered with a tamperevident shrink wrap.
because with the click of a mouse button you can shrink an entire window into a small icon.
Your social invitations will 10 dwindle and your circle of friends will undoubtedly shrink.
A patch of Tiberium will not shrink or disappear from you charging your Devourer Tanks at it.
Those tumors took longer to shrink but the senescent tumor cells were eventually cleared away.
Face Yahoo the lion starts to talk greatly, microsoft respect chose shrink back from difficulties.
She will never feel complacent before achievements and she will never shrink back before difficulties.
在成绩面前, 她从不沾沾自喜, 在困难面前也毫不退缩。
Problems grow in the dark and become bigger and bigger, but when exposed to the light of truth, they shrink.
Sewing shrink of fabrics for clothing is one of the important elements that stands for sewing adaptability of fabrics.
Analysis and experiment of the optimum shrink range between chain plate and bush for agricultural machinery chain by using finite element method
A recent study found that daily doses of lycopene, the element that ripens tomatoes and turns them red, may not only prevent prostate cancer but shrink existing tumors as well.

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