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单词 revolve 例句大全,用单词revolve造句:

Such negotiations revolve around the number of deployed weapons and delivery vehicles.
So he has yet canned not preserve this continuing of strategies to revolve immediately.
Most of the research at the Duke center, however, does not revolve around conservation.
不过, 杜克中心大部分的研究并不以保育为主。
In the same way, the Sun bends space in a manner that allows Earth to revolve around it.
A dead axle on a carriage or wagon that has terminal spindles on which the wheel revolve.
A third roller held the ball in place against the encoders while letting it revolve freely.
The air condition system has no production to carry in association with try to revolve record.
Production speed is extremely quick The heat seal area is big Can continuously revolve voluntarily.
The fuselage foundation may revolve 20 degrees, convenient multiple perspectives onlooking demand.
Course readings revolve around this terms topic, randomized methods for deterministic optimization.
Many of the arguments about architecture and design revolve around misunderstanding what is important.
Some have dozens of rings or layers, and each ring is carved with hollowed designs and able to revolve.
一些牙球有数十层, 每层有镂空花纹并能旋转。
Comprehend and realize that eyes move with hands, hands revolve with waist, and steps change with body.
Therefore must revolve the leisure entertainment for the central annotation this hotel style and the function.
The biggest challenges for implementing green computing revolve around the server, the rack, and the datacenter.
Behaviors printed matter in a circular rings of nuclear myofascialcutaneous revolve around a innovative ink point.
the electric motor change direction and should revolve a direction up with pump consistently, disallowing inversion.
电动机转向应与泵上旋转方向一致, 不允许倒转。
Although a variety of matters have been dealt with here, they all revolve around the offensive in campaigns and battles.
这里虽说了许多的东西, 但一切都环绕于战役和战斗的进攻。
The miscellaneous confusion of the phonological revolve term reflects that the study of phonological revolve is not mature.
Nine inborn vitalities hide around elephant to fly to soon revolve, the light is dizzy to change Huan, hide an elephant tiny rock.
九道先天精气围着藏象飞速旋转, 光晕变幻间, 藏象微微晃动。
With maximal the most beautiful one readjusting oneself to a certain extent attentive upper, in the world all revolve thereupon no longer.
把一颗最大最美的放在心上, 于是世上的一切不再旋转。

单词 revolve 释义

  • 单词释义:使旋转;反复考虑;使循环  [更多..]



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