Donot beat a retreat immediately after you should make another attempt to hit it.
不要一遇到挫折就打退堂鼓, 至少应该再试一次。
It may not advance and retreat, a hesitation, returned to the original Department.
它进退不得, 迟疑了一会, 回到了原处。
Three great killers of poor people, Aids, tuberculosis and malaria, are in retreat.
Plainclothes see what made a fire, the first gray ash from the face of the retreat.
Any retreat from multilateralism will result only in increased tension and aggression.
Men, we must be ready to attack the enemy should they attempt to retreat into Maryland.
战士们,做好迎战的准备 以防敌军杀回马里兰。
The books which I carried to my retreat were such as heightened my abhorrence of myself.
The enemy the use of favorable terrain in an attempt clinging to mark the north retreat.
敌人利用有利地形, 妄图死守关口, 向北退却。
Mirrorred bosses with the shareholder in all the management concept of advance and retreat.
This balmy winter retreat unfortunately holds a palpable danger for these gentle creatures.
Interestingly, just a few months ago, I spotted the same monk attending a Pure Land retreat.
有趣的是, 就在几个月前, 我又遇见他参加净土静修。
Underground sabotage was a contributory factor in the German retreat before the Allied onslaught.
Analysis of the Dilemma for the Financial Administration Company That Will Be Created by Its Retreat
After the retreat ended, a peaceful and serene ambiance still could be felt strongly at the campsite.
Support Technology for GobSide Entry Retaining Along Advanced Gateway Heading of Retreat Slicing Face.
W ith regard to our annual retreat, spouses of nonm anagem ent em ployees w ill be considered luggage.
至于我们的年度休假, 非管理层雇员的家属将被视作行李。
Dont beat a retreat immediately after any setback, at least you should make another attempt to hit it.
Retreat return n cultivated forest, it is Liaoning forestry and the auspicious opportunity that economy grows!
退耕还林, 是辽宁林业及经济发展得大好机遇!
In addition, the annual senior staff retreat was held with the participation of all senior staff meeting members.
This is an attempt once again to stampede a retreat from Iraq and its great to us gratuitous, attempt to do this.
这又是一次抱头鼠窜的撤军尝试, 莫名其妙。
Similar findings of accelerating glacier retreat have been recorded in other sectors of the crossborders mountain range.
In autumn September, corridor twists and turns, green did not retreat, pity for the people to stop this incessant.
In a position of this sort, even though the enemy should offer us an attractive bait, it will be advisable not to stir forth, but rather to retreat
支形者, 敌虽利我, 我无出也, 引而去之
Blair finally suggested, clinging desperately to his last shreds of dignity, this was a British baby, a dividend of his annual visit to the Queen's retreat at her castle in Scotland, Balmoral.
Forced to leave Germany when the Nazis came to power, Einstein accepted an appointment at the new Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., a scholarly retreat largely created around him.