The infinite sky is motionless overhead And the restless water is boisterous.
The infinite sky is motionless overhead and the restless water is boisterous.
The fourth sign of the Zodiac, Cancer the Crab is ruled by the restless Moon.
The professional search can mainly reduce restless and anxious from the stress.
The herd had been badly frightened and their restless crying went on for hours.
Her body asserted itself with a restless movement of her knee, and she stood up.
由于等候太久, 孩子们变得不安静起来。
Catherine, contented at first, in a brief space grew irritable and restless.
After 15 minutes of this I began to get restless and looked around at the audience.
嗯, 我甚至画不出一个线框都不会感到不安
The dog was restless too, ever and anon rising to lay his head on his master's knee.
In order to conceal the restless mood, does not want you to see through all secrets.
They are bored, restless, antisocial and vaguely in search of some kind of intensity.
Sometimes I do not understand many people lively boisterous restless in almost anything.
Possibly I let others be restless dissolutely, only then met the result to die in battle.
The Chelsea board are getting restless after the champions farcical display against Fulham.
The atmosphere in the office was congenial, but after five years she began to grow restless.
办公室的气氛是令人愉快的, 但五年后她开始变得不安起来
Still had not responded, he is more restless, simply calls while to swing Xie Jin's shoulder.
仍没有回应, 他更加不安, 干脆一边叫一边去摇谢晋的肩膀。
In restless dreams I walked alone narrow streets of cobblestone, neath the hallo of a street lamp.
He stamped his feet like a restless pony, obviously anxious to get back to whatever he had been doing.
An old crab grew restless.Finding himself stiff all over, he knew it was time for him to moult his shell.
An old crab grew restless. Finding himself stiff all over, he knew it was time for him to moult his shell.
Evaluation of periodic leg movements and associated transcranial magnetic stimulation parameters in restless legs syndrome
On the seashore of endless world children meet. The infinite sky is motionless over head and the restless water is boisterous.
孩子们相聚在无垠世界的海边, 辽阔的穹窿在头上静止。
According to a previous FunDay report, Acer and other vendors are starting to become restless over this new business opportunity.
据我们之前的报导, 宏碁等厂商已经对这块商机蠢蠢欲动了。
If European governments do not use their new breathing space to control spending, financial markets will get dangerously restless again.
爱情可以比作不知疲倦的奔马, 拒绝被控制。
But when the army is restless and distrustful,trouble is sure to come from the other feudal princes.This is simply Bringing anarchy into the army, and flinging victory away.