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单词 restore 例句大全,用单词restore造句:

Taiwanese Tzu Chi volunteers help restore the victims lives to normalcy in the typhoon aftermath.
风灾后, 台湾慈济人为灾民重建正常生活。
The State shall preserve and protect the ancient monuments, artefacts and restore historic sites.
国家应保存和保护文物古迹, 修复历史遗迹。
Enchant Bracer Restore Mana Prime Permanently enchants bracers to restore 6 mana every 3 seconds.
The Evaluation in Atraumatic Restorative Treatment Approach to Restore the Decayed Deciduous Teeth
We will abolish student loans and restore student entitlement to housing benefit and income support.
The goal of ACL reconstruction is to restore the translational and rotational stability of the knee.
The study of ancient karst distribution laws should be carried out to restore the ancient landscape.
因此研究古岩溶分布规律, 应先进行古地貌恢复。
The technology of casing well sidetracking is an effective way to restore dead well and abandoned well.
It is imperative to restore and promote standard employment relations and restore proportional benefits.
Acquiesce supports much progress to browse, break down restore and prevent the character such as play dead.
Pantothenic acid, folic acid, right amino benzoic acid can help white hair restore customary hair expression.
The branch devoted to the use of pressure points to restore energy flow is called the practice of acupressure.
Bergson's own method of intuition is supposed to restore the possibility of absolute knowledge and metaphysics.
Autogeneous bone graft has been known to be the first choice to restore a large bony defect with good prognosis.
Ginkgo has been used to relieve tension and anxiety and improve mental alertness, elevate mood and restore energy.
The research of restore pediatrical intussusception in air or barium enema associate with acupuncture and moxibustion.
The present paper introduced the use of acid etching technique to restore the defective anterior teeth in child patients.
Marshall has put together a sevenstep program designed to restore loving communication between the two halves of a couple.
Does grain of lymphatic and intumescent, lung add lung thick need not antiphlogistic medicine whether restore automatically?
Frequently, overzealous administration of fluids in the attempt to restore BP leads to circulatory overload and pulmonary edema.
We are mildly annoyed that the little Pacific kingdom adopted daylight saving this summer Just to restore its one-hour start on us.
The third section is academic foundation of their rise. Can not be restored ancient poetry will not be able to restore the ancient truth.
Pennycook required reconstructive surgery to restore full use of his left hand, but has since returned to work at the Chadwell Heath site.
In one, doctors restore motor activity to the limb with medication continuously delivered through a pump placed under the skin near the spine.
A clinical study of spinal accessory nerve transfer for the repair of suprascapular nerve to restore the impaired abduction function of the shoulder following avulsion injury of the brachial plexus

单词 restore 释义

  • 单词释义:归还;交还;使恢复;修复  [更多..]



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