Mrs Clinton proposes that Congress revoke the authority it gave Mr Bush in 2002 to wage war.
A candidate or his election agent may revoke the appointment of any type of agent at any time.
I hereby revoke any and all general powers of attorney that previously have been signed by me.
In serious situations, the Competent Authority may revoke the permit of the facility operator.
The license issuing organ shall revoke the Automatic Import Licenses returned by the consignee.
Thus, the domain owner may revoke a public key and shift to signing with a new pair at any time.
Otherwise the HKMAs powers to revoke the authorization of the institution will become exercisable.
The board may at any time revoke or alter the terms and conditions of the appointment or delegation.
The temporary suspension period, investors can continue to declare, you can also revoke declaration.
However, you cannot revoke an explicit privilege that was never explicitly granted in the first place.
if the acts are serious, the issuing organs shall revoke their surveyMapping Qualification Certificates.
情节严重的, 由发证机关吊销测绘资质证书。
Before the proclamation of written notice to revoke the authorization, the power of attorney is effective.
在撤销授权的书面通知以前, 本授权书一直有效。
where the circumstances are serious, the original permit issuing authority shall revoke the mining permit.
情节严重的, 由原发证机关吊销采矿许可证。
If necessary, the competent authority may revoke any certificate that is still valid at the time by public announcement.
主管机关于必要时, 得公告废止当时仍具效力之凭证。
if the circumstances are serious, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall revoke their business licences.
情节严重的, 由工商行政部门吊销营业执照。
and if the circumstances are serious, the authority shall order it to close down, or revoke its securities service business permit.
情节严重的, 责令关闭或者撤销证券服务业务许可。
and if the circumstances are serious, the license issue authority shall revoke the license for diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases.
情节严重的, 由发证机关吊销动物诊疗许可证。