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单词 replace 例句大全,用单词replace造句:

Bu sure to replace all four batteries at once. Replace with the same brand of batteries.
The shower that we put in a few years back has broken and we cannot afford to replace it.
Reduce cost with bittern replace salt and construct economical salt and alkali enterprise
以卤代盐减耗降本, 创建节约型盐碱企业
Applied effects of antimicrobial peptide in replace of anti biotic in weanling pigsretion
Because the new stuff always dissatisfied with the old, always with the new to replace it.
因为新的东西总是对旧的不满, 总是用新的去替代它。
Icahn agreed not to seek to replace general meeting of shareholders on the Yahoo of directors.
Dried tofu instead of a full page advertisement to replace the small classified advertisements.
The aluminum alloy wheel will replace the steel wheel gradually because of it's many excellences.
Absolutely mechanical tailor can not replace the traditional tailor craft of shoemaking technician.
Replace the aforementioned files with the files of the same name that are attached to this technique.
If the equipment is not up to the agreed specifications and quality,we will undertake to replace them.
If the equipment is not up to the agreed specifications and quality, we will undertake to replace them.
如果设备达不到议定的规格质量, 我们将负责调换。
Using high speed pumps to replace gear pumps for ammonia recycling, satisfactory results were achieved.
He admitted that he took the recorder apart, and he agreed to replace the broken recorder with a new one.
Remove the drapes and replace them with airy sheers.Slipcover the sofa or chairs with paler tones or florals.
Then you could replace each call to where with an anonymous function that does only the computation necessary.
The photoelectric battery in the instrument is aging. We should replace it with a new one as quickly as possible.
To replace geometry trigonometry with goometry analytic method and realize caculating optimization of target date
A voter asks if he supports the Fair Tax, a plan to abolish all income taxes and replace them with a consumption tax.
一选民问他是否支持交易税时, 他说支持。
Our window air conditioner is broken, so my father has decided to replace it with a separate hanging air conditioner.
To replace traditional double sides adhesive brushing and double sides adhesive tape. To avoid unnecessary release parer.
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is issuing smart identity cards to replace the old ID cards.
Our company customer service policy we will gladly replace goods at cost price for cracks and accidental damage for up to 2 years.
These four are so enraged by Louis's antics that they have come out of retirement with but one objective: to replace the cruel Louis with Philippe as King of France.
The pipes and power lines of the old city area are aging seriously. We should concentrate all efforts on maintaining them and replace them with new ones if necessary.

单词 replace 释义

  • 单词释义:替换;以…取代;更新;把…放回(原处)  [更多..]



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