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单词 residential 例句大全,用单词residential造句:

Residential buildings in Minguo period Suzhou has a unique architectural and historical value.
Application of Increase Efficiency Baffle in Oil Fume Extraction System of Residential Kitchen
Due to the growth of vacancy rates, the average rental for luxury residential dropped slightly.
豪得空置有上升, 导致豪得平均租微幅下调。
Completed area of residential increase building energy consumption is bound to bring increased.
Residential Telecommunications Cabling Standard Addendum 3 WholeHome Audio Cabling for Residences
Residential and commercial components are also proposed above the future Tuen Mun Centre Station.
Research and Application of New Triangle Cavum Plate to Light Steel Structural Residential Building
A brief analysis of earth connection in residential electrical design and equal potential connection
House Prices, House Prices, Residential Mortgage Credit Residential Mortgage Credit and Monetary Pol
正在加载数据。货币政策, 居民抵押贷款和住房价格
There are too many namesakes, causing great difficulty to administration of residential registration.
The deduction for elderly residential care expenses takes precedence over the granting of allowances.
Formulate rural residential planning in advance to ensure residence for rural population before the winter.
先期制订农村居民住宅规划, 争取入冬前农村居民有房住。
On Legal Problems of the Right to Know in Commercial Residential Building When Making a Purchase in Advance
Among them, Jiangsu Changshu of light steel multistorey residential project has been basically completed.
On the circumstance landscape construction of rural residential area in the construction of the new country.
Now, there is no good ways to accurately appraise plan of design about energy efficient residential buildings.
如何从节能住宅设计方案中选优, 目前尚无统一的方法。
C the developer to the construction of civil air defense projects costing in the residential development costs.
With the painting brush, Deng Anke has expressed his emotions and understandings of the national residential culture.
This year we celebrated the Spring Festival in our permanent residential camps, and all the directors came to visit us.
Linjiang residential tenants can be comfortably at home in the future, to the Pearl River charming lighting night scene.
临江豪宅的住户今后可以安坐家中, 欣赏珠江迷人灯光夜景。
The diaolou are classified according to their main functions night watch towers, residential towers and communal towers.
碉楼根据主要功能的不同可以分为烽火碉, 家碉和寨碉。
The fees charged by the residential care home are fully met by the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme Allowance CSSA
Taking courtyard house of He family in Jianchuan Jinhua town as example to talk about elements of ancient residential architecture
Child care provider students prepare to be primary providers of home. family. residential. or institutionalbased child care services.
Article33 Detention for extradition, arrest for extradition and residential surveillance for extradition shall be executed by the public security organs.
第三十三条引渡拘留, 渡逮捕, 渡监视居住由公安机关执行。

单词 residential 释义

  • 单词释义:住宅的,适于作住宅的;与居住有关的;适宜作住宅的  [更多..]



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