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单词 reshape 例句大全,用单词reshape造句:

If only someone will gather the melted wax, reshape it, give it a new wick.
如果有人收集熔化的蜡, 重新塑造它, 给它一个新的芯。
Fifth, to reshape corporate legal culture of nonpublic economic organization.
第四, 完善非公有制经济组织法制观教育方式。
How would such developments reshape the strategic map for the Pacific Command.
Spain needs to use the time bought by deficit spending to reshape its economy.
Can the constructivism reshape the foundation of strategic management research?
How to reestablish the prosperity of the business and reshape enterprise image?
And they will dramatically reshape the world of business and economies, globally.
When the dune dries in a day or so, the wind will begin to reshape it once again.
一天左右, 沙丘干透后, 风将再次重新塑造沙地的形状。
If a god can reshape the world and you can enthrall a god, what does that make you
如果神可以重塑世界, 而你可以操控神, 那麽你是甚麽?
I know how difficult it is to reshape the attitudes and the structure of our society.
Increasingly, people want to reshape their rears after losing weight, Dr. Saltz said.
In time, thinks Mr. Patel, communications technology will reshape corporate behaviour.
You cannot reshape an industry without extraordinary confidence in your own rightness.
Being based on the layout of the human anatomy, I reshape the whole to total distortion.
Reshape Books Beautythe Beauty of the Traditional Books and the Integration of Modern Books
Once in control of Apple again, Mr. Jobs set out to reshape the consumer electronics industry.
再次控制苹果后, 乔布斯开始重塑消费电子行业。
The art of advertising photography reshape the product image and express feeling of human culture.
Improving Drive Device Performance of Construction Machinery by Reshape Technique of Design Gear Shape
This thesis would try to reshape the history, research and find out the origins and make an integrated study of the literature of Song and Jin Dynasties.
本文力求于还原历史, 考镜源流, 对宋金文学进行整合研究。

单词 reshape 释义

  • 单词释义:重塑;给…以新形态;采取新形式;打开新局面  [更多..]



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