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单词 reside 例句大全,用单词reside造句:

To resolve this problem, make sure that all component files reside in the same document library.
若要解决此问题, 请确保所有组件文件都位于同一文档库中。
Of or relating to persons exempt from the legal jurisdiction of the country in which they reside.
治外法权的免于居住地所在国合法审判的人的, 与其有关的
Of the islands twenty three thousand inhabitants, some eight thousand reside in Lerwick,the capital.
Projects of this type could be duplicated in other areas of the world where indigenous peoples reside.
Code Often referred to as the text segment, this is the area in which the executable instructions reside.
I also ask States in which witnesses reside to continue assisting the International Tribunal in this respect.
Australia and New Zealand, where many Samoans reside, and Britain reported their citizens to be among the dead.
澳洲, 纽西兰和英国报告他们的公民亦列在死亡名单。
The offenders have played tricks to defraud money and used fake passports or invalid visas to reside in Shanghai.
持用假护照或无有效签证, 在沪非法居留。
Adult hematopoietic stem cells reside in the bone marrow in stable micro environments known as the stem cell niche.
And in the field of surgery, the secret of absorbable sutures does indeed reside in the use of these same polyesters.
Colour has the branch with tonal changes in temperature, reside the colour of an environment to also do not answer onefold.
The devolution wolf mountain has ever had white wolf to reside it up, and then spread to get because of the mountain likeness wolf.
Word its is it chant thing discipline visit, reside country split, whom rivers make a variation indignant secretly too more to make.
You would then write your code, compile, and test the project without having to deploy it to the final server on which it will reside.
然后编写代码, 进行编译, 并测试项目。
He asked the cause of our coming and answered that he agreed us to reside in his temple for one night, but just short of the bedclothes.

单词 reside 释义

  • 单词释义:住,居住,(官吏)留驻,驻在;(性质)存在,具备,(权力,权利等)属于,归于  [更多..]



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