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单词 reserve 例句大全,用单词reserve造句:

The stockholders agreed to let their company keep back a part of its profits for reserve funds.
The problem was that Sampras wasn't willing to abandon his reserve in exchange for understanding.
问题在于, 桑普拉斯不愿意放弃他的低调来寻求理解。
Thoughts On Reserve talents Cultivation In Figure Skating Conundrum of Figure The Right of Reserve
And build, acquired many modern production facilities, development reserve strength is quite great.
Soldiers who have been discharged from active service and assigned to serve in the officers reserve.
Reserve Management Section, Mobilization and Reservist Management Division Reserve Management Section
Tax Adjustment and Accounting Method on Calculating and Withdrawing Impairment Reserve of Fixed Assets
Use our advanced booking system and we reserve space for your shipment from origin to final destination.
Indicators have similar name. Such as international reserve and exchange reserve are easy to be confused.
The Cockatoo Ridge reserve shiraz 1999 a strong flavour of acinus,complexity,gradation and perfect subtle oak.
The approval of the director of administration must be sought for any proposed use of the contingency reserve.
You can acquire electronic tax reserve certificates into your Tax Reserve Certificate account for tax payment.
If the bid inviting party has set a reserve price, the confidentiality of the reserve price shall be maintained.
招标人设有标底得, 标底必须保密。
The spatial distribution characteristics of throughfall under Abies faxoniana forest in the Wolong Nature Reserve
Such statistics have lessened the need for the US Federal Reserve to be aggressive in tightening monetary policy.
Accounting Transactions and Their Treatment Concerning Several Deferred Taxes and Reserve Funds of Capital Surplus
Mazu Rear Echelon Administration Center, Reserve Command Matsu Rear Echelon Administration Center, Reserve Command
This week the Federal Reserve agreed to lend up to eightyfive billion dollars to the nations largest insurance company.
Please send this application form with your Enrolment Application Form as early as possible to reserve your accommodation.
请把你的这个申请登记表, 申请表尽早预留你的住处。
The local peoples governments shall be responsible for the purchasing, employment and administration of the cashmere reserve.
羊绒储备的收购, 动用和管理均由地方人民政府负责。
The Advisory Committee was informed, upon enquiry, that the size of such a reserve fund has not yet been accurately determined.
须询问后咨询委员会获悉, 这一准备金的确数目尚未确定。
The demotion in rank for reserve officers shall not be applicable to reserve officers with the rank of reserve Second Lieutenant.
Carbon Accumulation and Distribution in Pinus massoniana and Schima superba Mixed Forest Ecosystem in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve
The analysis of coronary sinus flow reserve by transthoracic doppler echocardiography with second harmonic technique and evaluate the coronary sinus flow velocity reserve
All you need is $14,950 to reserve a week at the space camp. The deal includes hotel accommodation in Moscow, most meals and a personalized flight suit that you can keep as a souvenir.

单词 reserve 释义

  • 单词释义:保留;预订;拥有  [更多..]



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