WuWeiye repent get help from within psychological experience have deeply level reason.
Jack was determined to repent of his former wrongdoings so as to redeem his reputation.
杰克下定决心痛改前非, 以挽回影响。
The only way to close that door is to repent, asking the Lord to forgive you of the sin.
Bildad told me, though it didnt encourage me to repent, since I had already done that.
I often had to repent for not following the commandment to multiply and replenish the earth.
Do not always repent the past, blame themselves for this is not the original, it was not that.
And I gave her time that she might repent, and she is not willing to repent of her fornication.
Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.
又不悔改他们那些凶杀, 邪术, 奸淫, 偷窃的事。
Is paying respect to Buddha and seeking repentance in front of the Buddha the only way to repent
或是去礼佛, 在佛的面前求忏悔?这样才叫做忏悔是吗?
He who neglects to study diligently in his youth will, when old, repent that he put it off till.
少年不知读书早, 白发方悔读书迟。
And it keeps us from humbling ourselves before God to repent of our sins and seek his forgiveness.
在神前降卑下来, 懊悔我们的过犯, 寻求神的饶恕。
Those who have been doing evil should immediately stop, repent and start anew and make amends for their crimes by good deeds.