The Adaptive Technique for an Active Acoustic fuze to Resist Waves and Recognize a Surface Ship.
War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, Counterattack Campaign in the Summer of 1953 in the
Dormancy is an effective process to resist adverse environment for perennial deciduous fruit trees.
On the Work in Disintegrating the Enemy Forces during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid korea
Drugs are so alluring that few people can resist their temptation and many are obsessed with drugs.
It strengthened the resolve of the people to resist aggression, occupation, intimidation and terror.
They issued a declaration calling for ending the civil war and uniting to resist foreign aggression.
After its founding, it fought for three more years in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea.
Be always ready to join the armed forces to take part in war, resist aggression and defend the motherland.
Advance the ability to resist disaster of outburst coal mine based on compositive safe protection technique
Therefore whoever resists authority resist what God has appointed and those who resist will incur judgment.
Inciting to resist or breaking the Constitution or laws or the implementation of administrative regulations.
A digital watermarking algorithm based on the accessorial information was proposed to resist cropping attack.
Later, to resist Microsoft is bought, yahoo and cereal song signed agreement of search advertisement cooperation.
During the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, Qi drew the pigeon, symbolizing peace, and sold it for charity.
Product Features It is entirely made of stainless steel which can resist both acid and alkali while aesthetic and durable.
Basalt fiber has the advantage of high strength and high modulus, furthermore it can resist high temperature and corrosion.
玄武岩纤维不仅具有高强, 高模量的特点, 而且耐高温, 耐腐蚀。
The policy of building up a country should be designed to build up the strength to resist foreign aggression and deal with emergencies.
However, in the War of Gengzi, Gan Army was under orders to resist the enemy, and its actual strength was greatly weakened after the war.
然而在庚子之役中 甘军奉命力抗敌军 实力大为削弱。
The civil war had just ended, problems were piling up at home, and abroad we were fighting a war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea.
On the Guiding Principle of Winning the Superior Force With the Inferior one in Air Battles During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea
The Historical Experience for the Air Force of the Chinses Volunteers to Develop Combat Spirit in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea
When he was offered the job he couldn't resist the challenge of brightening up the London base of Aeroflot, the Russian airline which had a very serious reputation.
The Movement to Resist Japanese Aggression and Save the Country Launched by the Students Studied in Japan before the War of Resistance Against Japan Broke out in An Allround Way
Although research shows the accuracy of both adults and children can be affected by leading or suggestive questions, the ability to resist the influence of external suggestion increases with age