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单词 repudiate 例句大全,用单词repudiate造句:

We must firmly repudiate these wrong ideas and check their spread.
I won't repudiate my debts, why are you forcing me to pay so strongly?
The west has chosen to repudiate all responsibility for these refugees.
But he has yet to publicly repudiate the idea that Mormonism is a cult.
I won't repudiate my debts, why are you forcing me to pay so strongly ?
我又不会赖账, 你何必苦苦索逼?
deny contradict dispute refute renounce naysay reject repudiate gainsay.
We must repudiate our liability for the claim on account of lack of evidence.
由于缺乏证据, 我们拒绝对你方索赔负责。
However, the Citizens opinion does not necessarily repudiate that proposition.
但不管怎样, 公民案的意见未必就否认了这一主张。
New evidence is conclusive enough to repudiate the original judgment or order.
有新的证据, 足以推翻原判决, 裁定的。
We repudiate the forms of association that are forced upon us, not free association.
Party members appeared on television to repudiate policies they had formerly supported.
Finally, she urged Southern Governments to form debtor coalitions and to repudiate debt.
Once he understood that compromise was necessary he had to repudiate the left, not apologise to it.
WORD OF THE DAY disavow to deny responsibility for repudiate. I disavow all prior knowledge of this prank.
Certainly did not have the means these situations to this year, also started to repudiate a debt draws back.
overdemurrage be a material breach and the shipowner be entitled to repudiate the contract under certain conditions.
超滞期是实质性违约, 在一定条件下, 船东有权解除租约。

单词 repudiate 释义

  • 单词释义:(正式地)否认;拒绝接受;拒绝与…往来;拒不履行(法律义务)  [更多..]



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