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单词 respectfully 例句大全,用单词respectfully造句:

In reply to your advertisement in Fiva. cn, I respectfully offer my services for the situation.
拜读非凡人才网上贵公司广告, 本人特此备函应征该职位。
The world famous teacher respectfully burned his mother's body and offered flowers on her ashes.
这位名师恭敬地埋葬了自己的母亲, 并在尸体旁放上了鲜花。
The mother returned to Bluebeard and told him that both her daughters had respectfully declined.
The original meaning of dedication is to respectfully give or submit without asking for a reward.
Respectfully and quietly enter your nearest Catholic Church, carrying a small jar or bottle from home.
Might I respectfully suggest to the town council that they should adopt a policy of masterly inactivity?
The author studies shallowly and asks respectfully the experts, the scholar to give some useful proposal.
Confucian doctrine exerted a profound influence on ages, so Confucius is addressed respectfully as a saint.
孔子的儒家学说对后世影响深远, 因而他被世人尊为圣人。
The related information, recently issued through the abundant guest that, asks respectfully everybody attention!
相关信息, 近日将通过博客发布, 敬请大家关注!
Confucian doctrine exerted a profound influence on later ages, so Confucius is addressed respectfully as a saint.
All staff of Sanshan holiday hotel will await respectfully yous presence, and promise to provide aquality service.
I also would like to dedicate the merit and virtue of my cultivation to both of you, and respectfully ask Amitabha Buddha to take care of you.
I have respectfully become a member of the Communist Party. From now on, I must have higher demands on myself and serve the people with all my heart.

单词 respectfully 释义

  • 单词释义:恭敬地;此致敬礼  [更多..]



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