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单词 respectively 例句大全,用单词respectively造句:

Secondly, we achieve the average time that the random point reaches the three absorbent boundaries respectively.
The current evolutions during address and sustain periods of different electrodes, were calculated, respectively.
Two weeks later, all rabbits were given medicines or normal saline via intragastric administration, respectively.
Methods Chuanhuning and ribavirin were adopted to treat infantile rotavirus enteritis respectively in two groups.
Complications included shallow anterior chamber and choroidal detachment and iris anterior synechia respectively.
Finally the mechanisms resulting in crude oil fouling anionic and cationic membranes are illustrated respectively.
Deyang, Panzhihua, and Yibin are the production bases for machinery, metallurgy industries, and wine respectively.
On the two bases, the Han Opera respectively completed the conversion from the foot color to the line of business.
Usually, there are a simple analytical model and a detailed analytical model for fringing capacitance respectively.
Different methods of powder alloy moulding and the moulding technology principle of ceramics are stated respectively.
ObjectiveTo study the hypoglycemic effect of extracts respectively from Leucaena root, trunk, leaf, seed and beanpod.
Respectively, from the let out his hatred, kindness and punishing evil, entertainment the three aspects are discussed.
light guiding holes are respectively arranged on two crossed oblique planes of the base seat opposite to the lens seat.
You pull one analyse excrement respectively, ate excrement of the other side respectively, calculate conjugal love.
Two squadrons of fighteraircraft, Hawker Hunters and MiG 19 respectively, were rebased adjacent to the Jordanian border.
anterior Designating the part of a flower or axillary bud facing away from the inflorescence axis or stem, respectively.
That is to say, parameters that are different with each other are assigned to individual axes of the graph, respectively.
Difference of Results Obtained with High and Low Volume Andersen Samplers Respectively in the Research of Atmospheric Aerosols
The composition of surface layer of uranium and treated uranium have been analyzed respectively by Auger Electron Spectroscopy.
The comparison of the two experiments on the waste liquid of marsh gas and chemical fertilizer applied to vegetables respectively
On the Climatic Factor in Determining Chang An and Luo Yang as the Capital and the Alternate Capital Respectively in the Tang Dynasty
唐代长安, 洛阳作为都城和陪都的气候原因
The live recordings from their concerts at Caracalla in Rome and the Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles have sold respectively 14 and 11 million copies.
And, partial coefficient of correlation between WC and WI was0.72, and that between WC and BMI was0.62, respectively, adjusted for gender and ethnic.
After the bamboo pulp's being treated by the enzyme in different methods, the content of alpha cellulose in bamboo pulp was enhanced to different extent respectively.
浆粕经过酶处理后, 甲纤含量有了不同程度的提高。
Mr Hu will be pleased that Western countries appear willing to cede control over appointments of the heads of the IMF and World Bank, traditionally awarded to Europeans and Americans respectively.

单词 respectively 释义

  • 单词释义:各自地;各个地;分别地  [更多..]



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