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单词 relevant 例句大全,用单词relevant造句:

The system of administrative accountability will be activated to investigate and punish the relevant people.
启动行政问责制, 调查追究相关人员责任。
Relevant Saudi governmental agencies endeavour to find custodial families for orphaned and abandoned children.
The quarantine of goods in transport shall be carried out in accordance with relevant regulations of the State.
货物运输的检疫, 依照国家规定办理。
Director of Environmental Protection issues permit in accordance with a relevant statutory Technical Memorandum.
The department accepting the accusation shall, without delay, handle it in accordance with relevant regulations.
Whether the review, transmission and filing of accounting vouchers are in compliance with relevant requirements.
Director of Environmental Protection issues Notices in accordance with a relevant statutory Technical Memorandum.
It indicates that because of the spread of this proverb that the direction of relevant academic research is misled.
指出由于这句谚语的泛滥, 误导了相关学术研究的方向。
And the fees for registration and transfer shall be charged in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.
To conduct its work in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols.
Other relevant departments are responsible to formulate and accomplish the corrective and preventative actions concerned.
Written requests for extension of payment together with relevant documentation will be considered by the Academic Registrar.
The abidance by relevant regulations concerning labor dispatch by labor dispatch service providers and the accepting entities.
Steps are being taken to enact relevant legislation and to accede to international conventions to counter terrorist activities.
Acts the entrusting party application in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws or administrative rules and regulations.
The import and export of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws.
The tax authorities shall maintain confidentiality for informants and award them in accordance with the relevant provisions herein.
And, the cumulative effect refers to mutual accumulation function between the exponential quantitative characters of relevant genes.
The debit and credit accounting system shall be adopted unless it is specially provided for in the relevant provisions of these Rules.
Punishment will be given in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Commodity Inspection Law and the implementation rules thereof.
On or connection with the matter at hand. Eg relevant to the question These issues are directly relevant to the needs of English learners.
If it confirms that any Article as suspicious booty is a booty, it shall treat it in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.
to examine and verity the establishment, renaming, abolishment and adjustment of colleges and universities with relevant government departments
会同有关方面审核高等学校设置, 撤销, 更名, 调整等事项
The State Council, in accordance with the Constitution and relevant laws, was entrusted with the power to formulate administrative regulations.
The tax authorities shall pay a handling fee to withholding agents for withholding or collecting tax in accordance with the relevant provisions.

单词 relevant 释义

  • 单词释义:相关的;合适的;有意义的  [更多..]



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